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Pepperdine | Graziadio Business School

About Beth Page


CEO, Dream Catcher Consulting. Epsilon Prime. I participated in the MSOD program while I was still working as an internal consultant inside an organization that went through significant restructuring. Went from 10,000 people to 600 over the course of the two years I was studying. And the program was food and nourishment while I was engaged in work that was not tremendously fulfilling. Nine months after I completed the program, I started my first company. I moved to the Pacific Northwest, and I built the business from the ground up with no network. Since then, I've started two other companies. And MSOD, the community, the learning, and the experiences that we had really encouraged me to live big in my own life. And so I'm grateful to the program, because I don't think I'd be living in the Pacific Northwest running three companies if I had not had the experience of MSOD.

A legacy for me, it's a funny time to be contemplating that. In going through the program, it really was an opportunity for me to get out of my own way. So I would say my work and the legacy that I want to leave people is the encouragement to live big in their own lives. And to do that, I need to also be modeling it. My legacy for myself is a relentless commitment to challenging the barriers that I put in my own way, and helping other people do the same.

In addition to working as a consultant, I also teach. I'm adjunct faculty at Royal Roads University and at the University of British Columbia. I've also worked as a learning group consultant with Pepperdine. In each of those roles for me, it's training the next generation. When it comes to helping, nurturing, and encouraging people to see possibilities for themselves that they may not have contemplated, that gives me a lot of joy.

In the next 10 years, I'm in... I started a two year meditation teacher training program, and I'm doing some work in the area of resilience as well. I see people in organizations needing additional skills and tools in their toolbox in order to be resilient in this world of constant change. The arrival of artificial intelligence, our desire for organizations to continue to be innovative and cutting edge. We need to provide people with the skills to be able to support themselves and each other while they're doing that work.

I've been writing a lot recently about the notion of, how do we cultivate resilience? And how do we cultivate communities of belonging? And so for me, I think the world and the humans in it are craving a sense of belonging. And that as consultants and leaders, we have an opportunity, and indeed, a responsibility, to cultivate more environments where everybody can experience that sense of belonging. And feel empowered to contribute the work, the talent, the time, the heart, to having those organizations do what they're meant to do.

Yeah. For me, it's stand up paddle boarding. There's such a missed opportunity for people to extend themselves. Meg Wheatley talks about this notion of connecting a community more effectively to itself. I think we have a lot of opportunity to connect more effectively to ourselves and to each other. And in doing that... That's a longing that I have, I think it's a human need that individuals have. And we have an opportunity to play a role.

I think we have a lot of opportunity to connect more effectively to ourselves and to each other. And in doing that... That's a longing that I have, I think it's a human need that individuals have. And we have an opportunity to play a role.

Mm-hmm (affirmative). Let me... MSOD... So part of what drew me to the program was the opportunity to gain the tools and skills to be a consultant, a global practitioner of change. That's what drew me to the program. What I got introduced to when I got here was this notion of self as instrument. I am a harpist, I play the harp. And when I sit down to play the harp, if the harp is out of tune, I tune it. I don't judge it for being out of tune. And what I've come to realize is, what enables us to be effective in this work is that we tune our own instruments on an ongoing basis through learning, through contributing, through attending conferences, through the connections we continue to have with each other.

In so many respects, the MSOD community is home for me. That when I arrive here, I feel like I've arrived home. And on so many levels, if I find myself in conversation with other MSOD alums, we have a shared foundation, shared core learning, and it spans us across years and decades and generations. What's kind of cool is, we come from a class cohort that's based on the Greek alphabet. Very few of us know the alphabet, so we don't know what year, necessarily, people graduated unless they say so. And so I might meet somebody that's 10 years older than me that graduated five years after me. We don't... It's a lovely point of connection, that we come together as one. And it's not so much about how many years in or out. And so that allows us to pick up with each other and be in really heart-centered, authentic conversations that don't happen every day everywhere.

And the thing for me is, I seek to bring that to my work. I would love to breed an intolerance for those conversations that ripple across the top of the water but have really no depth. The more authentically we engage with each other and with our clients, the more we're resourcing people to have conversations that matter. And for more people to be doing work that matters.