Mothers Are Masters of All: How Moms Can Benefit From an Advanced Degree
Motherhood is undeniably a career in itself. From wearing multiple hats (like doctor,
counselor, and chef) to balancing duties outside of being a parent, no one's said
being a mom is easy.
However, the joys of being a parent make motherhood special—creating moments that will be remembered for a lifetime.
So, if moms want to add graduate education to their plates, how can they benefit from
earning an advanced degree?
Throughout this feature, we will explore the following:
- Benefits of earning an advanced degree for mothers (working or not)
- Tips and tricks for balancing work, life, and education
Benefits of an Advanced Degree
To start, examining how moms can benefit from earning an advanced degree, whether now or in the future, is critical.
Career Advancement
A critical reason (and component) for earning an advanced degree is to capitalize on career progression. Many who pursue an advanced degree, such as a Master of Business Administration, can expect increased job opportunities, a pay rise, and career advancement. According to Forbes, "individuals that have master's of business administration (MBA) degrees are projected to earn $3 million more over a span of 35 years than those with bachelor's degrees."
MBAs: For moms interested in a flexible MBA program, Graziadio's Part-Time MBA program ensures your schedule comes first—allowing you to learn at a pace that fits your needs. For moms interested in a more traditional pathway, various options exist. Graziadio offers a traditional MBA program that can be completed in as little as 12 months.
Degree Completion: If you are a mom looking to complete your degree, Graziadio offers a unique opportunity to complete your undergraduate through their Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM) program.
An Asset That Appreciates
Unlike most things today, an advanced degree is one of the few assets that can appreciate
over time. What does this mean? Essentially, a degree can continue to become more
valuable as time progresses—increasing in value and worth. As times change, education
is always an essential asset to have—because it remains relevant throughout changing
times and shifting market demands.
Better Job Security
Research shows that individuals with advanced degrees are less likely to experience
job insecurity. According to Fortune, "63% of survey respondents agreed that their graduate business degree gave them
better job security." In addition to job security, a graduate degree can help with
landing a job more quickly. Fortune states, "Many of the top MBA programs over the past couple of years have seen 90% or more
of their graduating class land jobs immediately after graduation."
A More Equitable Marketplace
Unfortunately, there is sometimes a negative sentiment around moms in the workplace.
The generalized assumption can be that moms cannot balance a career and motherhood
simultaneously. However, this is not true.
Whether it be famous moms like Kristen Bell (who manages a career on screen, a booming business called Hello Bello, and is highly dedicated to her children), or your boss who conquers the boardroom and stories at bedtime, moms are fully capable of mastering work and motherhood. The more moms who do it, the less reason there will be for people to say they cannot.
Helpful Habits for Parents
The next portion to explore is ways to accomplish the balancing act of being a parent (whether you are a parent in school, working, staying at home, all three, or any variation of the sort).
Establish a Routine
A routine is a simple way to promote a healthy balance in your life. Experts frequently
list establishing a routine as a critical pathway to success. Whatever that routine looks like is up to you—the
important aspect is creating a routine and sticking to it.
Set Goals
Similar to creating a routine, setting goals is an additional facet that can help
drive progress. Whether the goal is earning a master's degree, learning a new skill,
finding hobbies, or spending ample time with loved ones, setting goals helps to get
the ball rolling and promotes accountability.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
The art of communication is a difficult one to master but a pivotal skill to possess.
Communicating is a meaningful way to remain on the same page—with spouses, children,
colleagues, and individuals generally. While communication may be difficult sometimes,
the result is well worth the effort.
Take Time for Yourself
One piece of advice that should be shared more frequently is the importance of taking
time for yourself. Whether for physical, spiritual, or mental health (or anything
else), taking time for yourself is essential. It will help you instill a healthy lifestyle
and ensure you perform well in all the areas you need.
Do Not Make Comparisons
Whether you are a single parent, separated, or any version thereof, there is no one
specific way to be a great parent. Parenting comes in many forms—so it is best to
focus on what works best for your situation and not comparisons based on others.
Do Not be Afraid to Ask for Help
Another piece of advice that should be shared more often is asking for help when needed.
There is no shame in asking for help. Whether it is a small or big ask, have people
close to you that you can count on—they will show up for you when you need it most.
To conclude, a mom can do anything and everything. Whether you are a mom who works,
stays at home, is in school, or does all three, obtaining an advanced degree can benefit
moms at any stage.
We want to thank all the moms out there for all you do and wish you a happy Mother's Day!