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Pepperdine MSOD Students Enhance Onboarding at International Justice Mission through Collaborative Team Consulting Project

Discover how Pepperdine Master of Science in Organization Development students are transforming organizations through collaborative, applied learning. 

At Pepperdine, the MSOD program emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience and teamwork in driving student success. Recently, a dedicated team of eight Graziadio students, guided by two faculty mentors, took on the challenge of enhancing the onboarding process for new US full-time employees at the International Justice Mission. Through thorough analysis, innovative problem-solving, and improved communication strategies, this team helped shape a more effective onboarding process.

Read the Interview:

1. Will you summarize the consulting project with the International Justice Mission?

Our team of eight plus two mentors was tasked with assisting the International Justice Mission in their onboarding process for new US full-time employees. We completed a gap analysis of their current onboarding process, created a refined sequencing and delivery process of onboarding materials, and successfully identified actionable steps to enhance their onboarding process. Our group opened communication channels between IT and HR to address Day 1 and Week 1 experiences for new hires. To close out the consulting process, we presented a business case with our findings to obtain approval from management to help the organization take action.

2. Can you share a specific example of how your team's collaborative efforts led to a successful outcome for your client?

We showed a tremendous amount of respect for one another throughout the process. Each person took personal responsibility for their needs, and work, and helped each other when necessary. An example would be when we supported each other midway through the consulting process and allowed each person to decide the amount of work and how they wanted to complete it that night. We created timelines with maximum flexibility to support each person while maintaining a group standard to ensure work was complete. Our team moved in unison by having open communication to ensure no one was left behind and no one felt left out.

3. How did your experience in DC enhance your understanding of real-world OD practices compared to what you learned in the classroom?

Our team learned that creating and holding space for our clients to foster open communication was vital in the OD process. This allowed our client to identify their problems and determine their path forward. One member of our team remarked that they could feel a shift when they focused on what the client needed and not how well they could perform as an individual.

4. What key takeaways or lessons did you and your team gain from the consulting experience that you plan to apply in your future OD work?

Our team appreciated the wide range by which we all contributed to the success of the project. We learned more about each other and what each person brings to the table in the consulting process. We hope to continue building trust and respect as we continue to explore and learn from each other and together.

About the MS in Organization Development at Pepperdine University 

The MS in Organization Development program at Pepperdine University is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the field of OD. The program emphasizes practical experience, collaborative learning, and real-world application, preparing graduates to make significant impacts in their organizations and communities.