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Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness: Pepperdine MSOD Students Partner with Marriott International

A team of six Pepperdine MSOD students, guided by their mentor Lori Heffelfinger, embarked on a consulting project for Marriott International. Their mission was to evaluate the performance of Marriott International’s Organizational Capabilities (OC) team, clarify their future strategic direction, and identify best practices to maintain Marriott's leadership in the hospitality industry.

In the dynamic field of Organizational Development (OD), practical experience and teamwork are essential for success. Pepperdine's Master of Science in Organization Development (MSOD) program emphasizes these elements, equipping students with the tools they need to excel. Below, we explore how this consulting project has enriched the learning experience for MSOD students.

Read the Interview:

1. Can you provide an overview of the project?

Our group of six, plus our mentor, was selected to consult for Marriott International to assist their Organizational Capabilities team. We were tasked with assessing the current state of the OC team’s progress and purpose, providing clarity on their planned future strategic state, and identifying best practices in OD to keep them at the forefront of the hospitality industry. Based on the contracted ask, we conducted semi-structured interviews with the OC team and performed a thematic analysis of their responses. Additionally, we interviewed three Pepperdine MSOD alumni with experience in multinational organizations to pinpoint best practices and conducted outside research. This comprehensive approach allowed us to facilitate a discussion with the OC team, presenting our gathered data and fostering an open dialogue to enhance shared understanding, and unity, and identify new OD areas for exploration.

2. Can you provide an example of how working together as a team helped achieve a successful result for your client?

Our team successfully supported each other during the interview process, allowing each individual to develop interviewing skills. Everyone voiced their strengths and weaknesses to support the team while maximizing personal development. We collaborated in our thematic analysis, collectively identifying overlapping responses to focus our recommendations for the presentation.

3. In what ways did your DC consulting experience deepen your comprehension of practical OD practices compared to classroom learning?

We learned the importance of building trust and a shared understanding with the client. Despite time constraints, allocating sufficient time to key tasks is vital to truly understand the problem. Additionally, we recognized the importance of delineating responsibilities and that the client owns their problem and solution.

4. What important lessons or insights did your team gain from the consulting project that you will use in your future OD roles?

Our team learned the importance of the entering and contracting phase of OD to ensure that both our team and the client fully understood and defined the scope of work. This was critical in identifying units of work and establishing responsibilities within our consulting team and with the client.

About the MS in Organization Development at Pepperdine University 

The MS in Organization Development program at Pepperdine University is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the field of OD. The program emphasizes practical experience, collaborative learning, and real-world application, preparing graduates to make significant impacts in their organizations and communities.