Cristel Antonia Russell, PhD
Dr. Russell is a leading researcher at the intersection of entertainment and marketing. She is keenly interested in how people consume stories: narrative processing, including biometric studies to assess cognitive processing, narrative persuasion, the experience of narratives, and the use of narratives methodologically.
Cristel has published over 80 academic articles in business journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Advertising, and the Journal of Business Research as well as health and prevention-focused journals such as the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Addiction and Psychological Services. She serves as area editor for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), senior associate editor for the Journal of Advertising and on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, and the Journal of Consumer Research.
She has received funding for her research on the social, psychological and cultural factors that influence the consumption of alcohol and other substances on vulnerable populations; youth, military through grants from the United States' National Institutes of Health and France's Institut National du Cancer. She speaks at public policy, health and prevention research conferences as well as at advertising and entertainment academic conferences internationally. In 2018, she was awarded a Marie Curie fellowship from the European Union for a project on media literacy for at-risk youth.
PhD, University of Arizona
MBA, Southern Illinois University
ESSCA, France
- Michael Solomon and Cristel Antonia Russell (2023), Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, 14th edition, Pearson Education.
- Russell, Dale, Cristel A. Russell and Christine Harris (2023), “Post-Traumatic Consumption: Does Emotion Regulation Moderate The Relationship Between Military Life Stressors, Mental Health Outcomes, And Compulsive Buying?” Journal of Consumer Affairs (forthcoming).
Russell, Cristel A. and Jillian Alderman (2022), “Religiosity and Self Esteem in Adolescence: The Moderating Role of Trait Reactance,” Journal on the Scientific Study of Religion, 61 (2), 564-573. https://doi.org/10.1111/jssr.12789
- Hamby, Anne and Cristel A. Russell (2022), “How Does Ambivalence Affect Young Consumers’ Response to Risky Products?” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 851-863.
- Babić Rosario, Ana, Cristel A. Russell and Doreen Shanahan (2022), “Paradoxes of Social Support in Virtual Support Communities: A Mixed-Method Inquiry of the Social Dynamics in Health and Wellness Facebook Groups,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 57(1), 54-89. https://doi.org/10.1177/10949968221075819
Dietrich, Daniel and Cristel A. Russell (2021), “A Framework of Brand Contestation: Toward Brand Antifragility,” Journal of Consumer Research, 48 (4), 682-708, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucab053
Russell, Dale, Cristel A. Russell and Zhike Lei (2022), “Development and Validity Testing of a Safety Climate Measure for Naval Forces,” Journal of Safety Research, 80 (February), 293-301, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsr.2021.12.012
Feiereisen, Stéphanie, Dina Rasolofoarison, Cristel A. Russell and Hope Jensen Schau (2021), “One Brand, Many Trajectories: Narrative Navigation in Transmedia,” Journal of Consumer Research, 48 (4), 651–681, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucaa046
Russell, Cristel A. and L.J. Shrum (2021), “The Cultivation of Parent and Child Materialism: A Parent-Child Dyadic Study,” Human Communication Research, 47 (3), 284-308. https://doi.org/10.1093/hcr/hqab004
Russell, Dale, Cristel A. Russell, and Ron Hill (2021), “Mental Health Service Utilization After Military Missions: The Double Edged Consequences of Unit-Level Organizational Support,”Psychological Services (forthcoming).
Rodgers, Shelly, Cristel A. Russell, and Jameson Hayes (2021), “How to Get Published in the Journal of Advertising: Tips from the Inside” (Editorial), Journal of Advertising, 50 (2), (forthcoming). https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2021.1898918
- Del Bucchia, Céline, Caroline Lancelot Miltgen, Cristel A. Russell and Claire Burlat (2021), “Empowerment as Latent Vulnerability in Techno-Mediated Consumption Journeys,” Journal of Business Research, 124 (January), 629-651. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.03.014
- Russell, Cristel A., Denise Buhrau and Anne Hamby (2020), “Reducing Television Influences on US Adolescents Who are High Reactance,” Journal of Children and Media, 14 (4) (forthcoming).
- Russell, Cristel A., Anne Hamby, Boris Chapoton and Véronique Régnier-Denois (2020), “Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Television Characters’ Effectiveness As Message Sources Depends On Their Story Experiences,” Health Communication (forthcoming).
- Russell, Cristel A., Véronique Régnier-Denois, Emilie Rouèche, Valérie Simon and Franck Chauvin (2020), “Empowerment through Participation in a Cancer Prevention Exhibit: Evidence from the Hygée Lab Intervention,” Journal of Cancer Education, doi: 10.1007/s13187-019-01658-4 (forthcoming).
- Majid, Kashef Abdul and Cristel A. Russell (2019), “Value Dynamics in the Secondary Market: Documenting How the Structure of Pricing and Product Lines in the Primary Market Affect Value Retention,” Journal of Business Research, 103 (October), 89-99.
- Russell, Cristel A. and Dale W. Russell (2019), “The Evolution of Mental Health Outcomes Across a Combat Deployment Cycle: A Longitudinal Study of the Guam Army National Guard,” PLOS One, 14(10), e0223855. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223855. eCollection 2019
- Lancelot Miltgen, Caroline, Anne-Sophie Cases and Cristel A. Russell (2019), “Consumer Responses to Facebook Advertising Across PCs and Mobile Phones: A Model for Assessing the Drivers of Approach and Avoidance of Facebook Ads,” Journal of Advertising Research, 59 (4), 414-432.
- Russell, Cristel A. and Dale W. Russell (2019), “The Stress Bias in Mental Health Assessments,” Psychological Services, 2019 Sep 12. doi: 10.1037/ser0000391 (forthcoming).
- Russell, Cristel A., John T. Cacioppo, Hsi Yuan Chen, Stephanie Cacioppo and Dale W. Russell (2019), "To What Extent is Psychological Resilience Protective or Ameliorative: A Prospective Study of the Effects of Deployment on the Mental Health of Combat Medics," Psychological Services (forthcoming).
- Russell, Cristel A., Anne Hamby, Joel Grube, and Dale Russell (2019), "When Do Public Health Epilogues Correct the Influence of Alcohol Storylines on Youth? The Interplay of Narrative Transportation and Persuasion Knowledge," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 8(3), 316–331.
- Russell, Cristel A., Hope Jensen Schau and Paul Bliese (2019), "Brand Afterlife: The Market Impact of Residual Brand Passion Following Corporate Failure," 97 (April), Journal of Business Research, 257-267.
- Russell, Cristel A., Dale W. Russell, Andrea C. Morales, and Jean-marc Lehu (2017), "Hedonic Contamination of Entertainment: Exposure to Advertising in Movies and Television Taints Subsequent Entertainment Experiences," Journal of Advertising Research, March 57 (1), 38-52.
- Russell, Cristel A., Jack Swasy, Dale Russell and Larry Engel (2017), "Eye Tracking Evidence that Happy Faces Impair Comprehension of the Verbal Message: The Case of Health Warnings in Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Television Commercials," International Journal of Advertising, 36 (1), 82-106.
- Russell, Cristel A., Dale W. Russell, and Heather H. Honea (2016), "Implied Social Contract and Consumer Responses to Corporate Behavior," Journal of Business Ethics, 136 (4), 759-773.
- Russell, Cristel A. and Hope Jensen Schau (2014), "Coping with the End of Narrative Brands: The Impact of Narrative Closure and Consumption Sociality on Loss Accommodation," Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (April), 1039-62.
- Russell, Cristel A. and Sidney J. Levy (2012), "The Temporal and Focal Dynamics of Volitional Re-consumption: A Phenomenological Investigation of Repeated Hedonic Experiences," Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (2), 341-359.
- Russell, Cristel A. and Barbara Stern (2006), "Consumers, Characters, and Products: A Balance Model of Sitcom Product Placement Effects," Journal of Advertising, 35 (1), 7-18 (Lead article).
- Russell, Cristel A. and Michael Belch (2005), "A Managerial Investigation into the Product Placement Industry," Journal of Advertising Research, 45 (1), 73-92.
- Russell, Cristel A., Andrew T. Norman, and Susan E. Heckler (2004), "The Consumption of Television Programming: Development and Validation of the Connectedness Scale," Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (1), 150-161.
- Baker, William, Heather Honea, and Cristel A. Russell (2004), "Do Not Wait to Reveal the Brand Name: The Effect of Brand Name Placement on the Effectiveness of Television Advertising," Journal of Advertising, 33 (3), 77-85.
- Russell, Cristel A. (2002), "Investigating the Effectiveness of Product Placements in Television Shows: The Role of Modality and Plot Connection Congruence on Brand Memory and Attitude," Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (3), 306-318.
- Best Journal Article based on a CCT doctoral dissertation (Sidney Levy Award) received with Daniel Dietrich (2022).
- Best Reviewer Award: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2022).
- Best Working Paper Award at the 2021 Society for Consumer Psychology conference, with Jolie Gutentag, "Concretizing Sustainability with Circularity: A Construal Level Approach to Encourage Sustainable Consumption”.
- Best Paper Award at the 2020 Marketing and Public Policy Conference for “Working Memory Capacity as an Under-Explored Moderator of Information Processing and Consumer Response: Implications for Marketing and Public Policy.
- Institut National du Cancer (INCa) 2016-18 (Co-Investigator) "YEMI – Marketing and E-cigarettes: State of Affairs and Influences on Youth."
- Institut National du Cancer (INCa) 2013-15 (Co-Investigator) "Impact des Images Médiatisées de l'Alcool et du Tabac Auprès des Jeunes." (IMAJE)
- National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism R-01 2009-12 (Principal Investigator): "Effects of Alcohol Placements in Television Programming."
- National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism R-21 2005-07 (Principal Investigator): "Drinking Under the Influence of TV Programming: How Do Alcohol Portrayals in Prime Time Television Programming Affect Viewers?"
- Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship, European Institute for Advanced Studies (EURIAS), Collegium de Lyon, France (2017-2018).
- Kogod Research Professorship, Kogod School of Business, American University (2014-2017; 2017-2020).
- Best Reviewer Award, International Journal of Advertising (2017).
- “Multidisciplinary Insights into The Evolving Meanings of Ownership,” Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Puerto Rico, March 2023.
- “Can Restrictive Customer Acquisition Policies Be Effective In Markets That Transition From Illegal To Legal? Evidence From The Sex Trade,” Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Austin, TX, June 2022 (with Kashef Majid).
- “Exploring Consumers’ Need To Own,” ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 2022 (with Joy Shields, Richard Chau and Doreen Shanahan).
“How to Encourage Sustainable Consumption? A Construal Level Approach to “Concretize” Sustainability with Circularity,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2021 (with Jolie Gutentag).
“Ambivalent Social Processes in Virtual Support Communities: A Mixed-Method Inquiry of Facebook Groups” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2021 (with Ana Babić Rosario and Doreen Shanahan).
“Ambivalence and Brand Trust in Consumer Adoption of Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Applications” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2021 (with George Dagliyan)
- “For Real?! Strategies and Tools to Enhance the Ecological Validity of Consumer Psychology Experiments,” Roundtable Organizer, Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Puerto Rico, March 2023.
- “Out of Touch? Multi-Methodological Approaches to the Evolving Role of Haptics in Consumers’ Experiences,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Denver, CO, October 2022.
- “Selling Sustainability: Can Circular Economy Message Framing Motivate Consumers to Behave Sustainably? Association for Consumer Research Conference, Denver, CO, United States, October 2022 (with Jolie Gutentag).
- “Autodriving in the Social Media Environment,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Corvallis, OR, United States, July 2022 (with Colin Campbell).
“Hasty or Hesitant? The Interplay between Ambivalence and Social Norms on Consumers’ Product Use Intentions” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2021(with Anne Hamby)
“Consumers’ Adoption of Artificial Intelligence-enabled Applications: Inhibitory and Facilitatory Factors and the Role of Ambivalence and Brand Trust,” ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 2021 (With George Dagliyan).
“Will Consumers Make More Sustainable Choices If They Construe Sustainability More Concretely? Evidence From Four Studies, ” ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 2021 (with Jolie Gutentag).
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Social Dynamics in Virtual Support Communities,” ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 2021 (with Ana Babić Rosario and Doreen Shanahan).
“Concretizing Sustainability with Circularity: A Construal Level Approach to Encourage Sustainable Consumption,” Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, March 2021 (with Jolie Gutentag).
“Analyzing Brand Backstories: Combining Textual and Multi-sensory Data,” Association for Consumer Research Virtual Conference, October 2020.
- “Parent-child Measurement Invariance of Cigarette and E-cigarette Expectancies Using Dyadic Confirmatory Factor Analysis,” International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, July 2020.
"Biometric Evidence of how Implicit and Explicit Mental Health Stigma Affects Responses to Mental Health Communications" Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May 2020.
"The Evolution of Perceived Stigma of Mental Health over the Course of a Combat Deployment," Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May 2020.
- "Post-Traumatic Stress and Consumption Behaviors," Association for Consumer Research, Atlanta, GA, October 2019.
- "Navigating Narratives: Time and Space Navigation and Narrative Experiences," Association for Consumer Research, Atlanta, GA, October 2019.
- "Managerial Strategies For Reclaiming Their Authoritative Voice in A Polysemic Brand World: The Brand Backstory," Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 2019.
- "Does Working Memory Capacity Affect the Processing of TV Commercials?" American Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, DC, May 2019.
- "Fear of Death Biases Reporting on Mental Health Assessments," American Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, DC, May 2019.
- "Accidental Ambivalence: Unintended Consequences of Corrective Interventions Targeting Adolescent Risk Behavior" AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Areas of Expertise
- Consumer Behaviors
- Market Research