Zhike Lei's Research on "Reluctant Stayers" Featured in The New York Times Dealbook
A recent article published in the Journal of Managerial Issues, co-authored by Pepperdine
Graziadio’s Dr. Zhike Lei, was spotlighted in The New York Times Dealbook. The academic research paper was a joint work with Brooks Holtom (Georgetown University),
Cody Reeves (Brigham Young University), and Tiffany Darabi (Cornell University) and
focuses on how companies can strive to motivate and retain their employees.
Dr. Lei’s research on “reluctant stayers,” referring to employees who want to leave their organizations but cannot, speaks to the costly issue of organizations not motivating their employees. Her research takes a deeper dive of the consequences organizations face when they successfully retain their employees who would prefer to leave. Dr. Lei investigates what the financial impacts are of organizations that retain reluctant stayers versus enthusiastic stayers.