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Pepperdine Alumni and Affiliates on President's Coronavirus Task Force

The White House announced the appointment of 220 individuals who will serve on an advisory council to assist the national coronavirus task force. The purpose of the council is monum: develop a plan to restart the U.S. economy. The advisory council features prominent leaders from a range of industries, backgrounds and skill sets for the monumental task of re-opening the American economy.

Pepperdine Graziadio understands the gravity of the coronavirus pandemic and the impacts to the business community and everyday life. In the spirit of creating Best for the World Leaders and influencing positive change in the community, we are proud to have Pepperdine Graziadio alumni and community members serving on the advisory council. Below are the 14 Graziadio alumni and affiliates that have been selected to lead the country’s economic recovery:

Pepperdine Alumni:

  • Oscar Munoz (MBA '86), United Airlines
  • Rick Caruso, Caruso
  • Geoff Palmer, GH Palmer

Pepperdine Honorary Alumni:

  • Dan Cathy, Chick-fil-A
  • Steve Forbes, Forbes

Parents and Friends of the Pepperdine Community:

  • Ronnie Cameron, Mountaire Farms
  • Don Bren, Irvine Company
  • Carl “Doug” McMillon, Walmart
  • Harold Hamm, Continental Resources
  • Chuck Schwab, Charles Schwab
  • Jerry Jones, Dallas Cowboys
  • Catherine Reynolds, Catherine Reynolds Foundation
  • Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas Sands Corporation
  • Wolfgang Puck, Wolfgang Puck Fine Dining Group

The White House announcement here.