Nelson Granados Authors Article on Stay-at-Home Entertainment on Forbes
As people all over the world practice social distancing by staying at home and adhering to lock-down and shelter-in-place responses to the coronavirus pandemic, you have to wonder how they are entertaining themselves. With millions of people stuck at home, boredom is bound to happen. As demand for social content increases, opportunities rise for content providers.
Disney decided to increase their supply for their Disney+ subscribers by announcing an early release of the new Star Wars and Frozen II movies. Both movies are being released three months earlier than scheduled. NBCUniversal also announced that it will make current movies in the theater available online for rent. Canceled live events are also giving way to live-streaming home production or events with virtual audiences, including concerts, sports events, operas, and museum tours. Digital entertainment will never fully replace live entertainment, but in the meantime it can offer a form of coping. Read more.