Karen Weiss Gives Tips for Job Seekers in a Slow Economy
While there is a dark cloud over the current economic outlook, it may not be as bad of a time as you think to look for a new job. There are still two open jobs per every available worker and wage growth is staying strong. And even if things turn for the worse, there are ways to make yourself marketable in a bad economy. In Business Insider,Karen Weiss, Pepperdine Graziadio Business School‚ director of career readiness and employer relations, gave her advice to job seekers, asking them to know their walk-away point. "When companies are vying to get you, you ask for all the things on your wish list: higher compensation, flexible work, a better title, and growth and development opportunities", Weiss said in the article. But when the market hits, Weiss says, 'it becomes more of a series of questions: What am I willing to do? What's my walk-away point? And when am I willing to settle for a not-so-perfect job?"
You can read the full article on Business Insider here.