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Harvard Business Review Publishes Article by Bobbi Thomason on Negotiations

Dr. Bobbi ThomasonMost professionals that want to advance their career do so by joining a different company or moving into a new role with their current employer. Dr. Bobbi Thomason co-authors an article on how professionals should negotiate their next job and encourages professionals to think strategically about not just what they want but how to get what they want. Dr. Thomason draws from her cross-cultural research and experience coaching executives to propose four steps that can help professionals negotiate successfully.

With Covid-19 shifting the way people work (remote or flexible arrangements), what they work on, and with whom they work, professionals have a great opportunity to improve their negotiation skills. Dr. Thomason first encourages professionals to think broadly about their long-term career goals instead of focusing narrowly on the offer at hand, for example, the pay and benefits. Second, professionals must be mindful of what type of opportunities they are asking for. Asking for something standard versus unique arrangements should be taken into account during negotiations. Third, prior to negotiations, professionals should arm themselves with the information to reduce ambiguity and the knowledge to know with whom they should negotiate. Finally, connect with people who can help build the case for the negotiation that is desired. Too often negotiations fizzle out or get lost with everyday work -- successfully reaching career goals can be done by establishing realistic targets and accountability.

The full article is available here.