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Gary Mangiofico Shares Three Steps HR Executives Can Take to Mine Business Data for a COVID-19 Comeback Plan in HRDrive

During these unprecedented times, remote work has become ubiquitous, supply chains have shifted enormously and consumers' demand for typical products and services has been anything but customary. Gary Mangiofico shares how the rapid shift from "business as usual" presents a unique opportunity for human resource executives to gather important data that will help companies plan for the future and weather the economic, physical and emotional toll caused by COVID-19. According to Retail Insight Network, "while everyone is banking on a post-crisis bounce to retail spending after the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers will be emerging into a world that they view very differently. Shoppers will change what they buy, where and how they buy it, and how much they spend."

This change in business operations and consumer spending means that HR executives should take the opportunity to gather data in real-time in order to modify future operational and staffing needs. Data can also help inform internal changes at companies to boost morale or employee engagement that may have seemed unnecessary or insignificant before. Gary recommends HR executives should collect information daily and sort the data into five categories: high volume, high risk, inclined to be difficult, high probability of change, and aspirations. Read more.