Dr. Nelson Granados Encourages Super Bowl Fans to Join the Huge Social Media Party
Dr. Nelson Granados, Associate Professor of Information Systems at the Graziadio Business School, recently wrote about the massive celebration that takes place on social media before, during and after the Super Bowl. Twitter and Facebook had their biggest Super Bowl ever last year, as fans used social media as a second screen platform during the game. During last year’s Super Bowl, 65 million unique people joined the Facebook conversation with 265 million posts, comments and likes, making it the most-discussed sporting event globally in 2015. Likewise, it was the most tweeted Super Bowl so far, with 36 million tweets in between 3 hours before and after the game, and a crazy number of impressions: 2.5 billion. Dr. Granados says “the intensity of this year’s online party will depend on the dynamics of the game itself.” Read more: http://www.forbes.com/sites/nelsongranados/2016/02/06/super-bowl-50-fans-join-the-huge-social-media-party-during-the-game/#67577c8572b3