Dana Sumpter's TEDx on Why Working Mothers Shouldn't be Underestimated
Stereotypes are often shaped by what we see in the media and entertainment, as well as our personal experiences. Dana Sumpter states how dangerous stereotypes can be for working mothers and how many of the stereotypes are not true. In the workplace, working mothers face bias and barriers when returning from maternity leave and are often at a disadvantage due to these stereotypes. However, Sumpter shares how working mothers can provide perspective and benefits to organizations. From her personal experience, she states how she was more engaged, happy, and fulfilled after having two children of her own. Sumpter discusses the working mothers paradox and how research shows how women are routinely discriminated against after having children. Organizations lose out on valuable talent when organizations discriminate against working mothers. Sumpter recommends that organizations and managers must change the negative stereotype working mothers face and find ways to support and retain working mothers.
The full video is available on Ted.com.