Dana Sumpter Shares Expertise on Flexible Work Arrangement and Fairness with Business Management Daily
During the pandemic several organizations had to step up and provide employees more flexible work arrangements. As organizations allow for employees to have a better balanced professional and personal life, employee productivity and loyalty increase. However, in doing so, some employees may be questioning fairness and equal treatment. Companies typically aim to apply company policies and procedures across the board -- rules are the same for everyone. Yet with the pandemic, and with each employee having their own personal stresses, how can organizations implement one-size-fits-all policies? Dr. Dana Sumpter suggests employers and employees maintain open communication to more accurately picture what struggling workers are going through. “Any perceived unfairness of flexible work arrangements will only be uncovered if managers are listening to their folks. This is more difficult when everyone is virtual. Having regular check-ins and feedback sessions at all levels can help to ensure that leaders have their fingers on the pulse of how their employees are doing,” says Dr. Sumpter.
As part of open and clear communication, Dr. Sumpter suggests avoiding a “no news is good news” approach. Leaders should commit to weekly or monthly scheduled check ins with each employee and routinely ask questions such as “how is your job going?” and “what can I do to better support you as you continue to work remotely?” Leaders may be surprised what they hear and the feedback may even provide prospective on what their employee’s day-to-day looks like. “Parenting is far from the only form of struggle these days. There are people experiencing their own health issues, caring for older loved ones, or who have had personal upheavals (such as partner job loss or moving). Isolation and loneliness are a stark reality for many single people who live alone. There is also the significant issue of mental health needs, which have escalated during this crisis, and that can influence one’s ability to work,” adds Dr. Sumpter.
The full article is available here.