Cristel Russell Speaks to USA Today on Entertainment Trends
There’s no question that Covid left its mark on people. Two years into the pandemic, the entertainment industry is seeing changes in consumer behavior and people’s attention spans. Dr. Cristel Russell provides her expertise to USA Today on how the pandemic accelerated shifting attention spans and made it easier for people to prefer shorter-form content. “We have also gotten used to binging, piecemealing, pausing, and stopping entertainment over the last two years,” says Russell.
Shorter shows and movies are increasing in popularity whereas two hour movies are seeing a decline. Experts are stating the increased isolation is creating a greater need for stimulation and connection, which could reduce one’s attention capacity. Russell shares attention span is not something that needs to be improved, “entertainment by definition should be fun and enjoyable. We find that consumers consume entertainment much like they consume food. Some like to nibble, others like to feast...”
The full article is available online at USA Today.