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Center for Women in Leadership Successfully Hosts C200 Conference

On February 16, the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School’s Center for Women in Leadership (CWL) and C200 hosted the C200 Women in Leadership Conference. Led by Dr. Bernice Ledbetter and C200 Chairman of the Board Kimber Maderazzo, the conference was geared towards supporting women in leadership roles.

Conference highlights included discussion panels from high-impact women business leaders across notable industries such as entertainment, financial services, and entrepreneurship. Panelists discussed moments of clarity within their leadership roles and described how leaders emerge when they are pushed by their peers and willing to do something fearless. Panel members also described their personal journeys as women in leadership. With opportunity, level playing fields, and understanding your audience, results will eventually speak for themselves and success will follow. Dr. Ledbetter and Chairman Maderzazzo said they continue to aim at uniting and expanding the community of women in leadership. 

Stay connected with the CWL and register for the upcoming International Women’s Day Conference on March 8, 2022.