Bernice Ledbetter Urges Business Leaders to Support Diversity in the Boardroom
The February 2021 jobs report showed that roughly 80% of the 346,000 workers leaving
the U.S. labor force were women, with industries that are predominantly female hit
hard by the pandemic, alongside dwindling options for childcare. According to the
National Bureau of Economic Research, COVID-19 is likely to result in the gender wage
gap growing by five percentage points.
In light of the pandemic continuing to impact businesses, there is an opportunity for leaders to develop strategies to ensure that women not only have a seat at the table, but that their perspectives are entwined into the decision-making process. Dr. Bernice Ledbetter, Dean of Students and Alumni Affairs at the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School, writes in CSQ Magazine about the importance of supporting gender diversity in the boardroom and steps that businesses can take to do so.
Bernice is also the keynote speaker for the upcoming complimentary virtual conference, Learn - Inspire - Challenge virtual event will take place Monday, March 8, 2021.
The full article is available on CSQ Magazine’s webpage, here.