Amazon Picks 20 Possible Places For Its New HQ | LA Times
Dr. Dave Smith comments to the Los Angeles Times about LA's selection as a finalist
As Amazon explores top cities for new headquarters, Associate Professor of Economics
and Associate Provost for Online Programs Dr. David M. Smith tells the Los Angeles Times that ecomomic incentives – though important – might not be enough to lure the Seattle-based
behemoth. With Los Angeles among the top 20 cities under consideration by Amazon,
James F. Peltz and Alejandra Reyes-Velarde's article covers L.A. and other cities'
potential strategies, noting that the southern California region has experienced a
loss of corporate headquarters over the last two decades.
L.A.'s existing Amazon fulfillment centers could be a plus, but it is unclear if Los
Angeles would provide the necessary tax breaks Amazon might seek. Amazon did say that
it was looking for a hub with a "highly educated labor pool" and a "strong university
system," both of which Los Angeles offers.