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Spectrum News 1 | Inside the Issues Invites Gary Mangiofico to Speak on Contact Tracing During COVID

Across the United States and world, government agencies, health authorities, and tech companies are working together to find solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic. Software developers are crafting technical tools to help combat the virus and slow the spread while a vaccine is being developed. Recently, Google and Apple announced a joint effort to enable the use of Bluetooth technology to help government and health agencies track the virus and reduce further spreading. Inside the Issues with Alex Cohen invited Gary Mangiofico to share how “exposure notification” tools shared via Bluetooth technologies can help.

“Contract tracing is always just as good as the willingness of people to participate and to share data,” said Gary Mangiofico. But, how does the technology work? After a person is tested at a testing facility, the positive test is reported to the health department, which then sends out an alert using Bluetooth technology. The alert notifies anybody who is in close proximity to the person who tested positive. Watch the interview here.