Graziadio Social Media Ambassador Program
As a Graziadio Social Media Ambassador, you’re a direct representation of our Developing Purpose-Driven Leaders mission. It is imperative that ambassadors follow a code of conduct to appropriately and professionally represent themselves on behalf of Graziadio.
What are the requirements?
As a Graziadio Social Media Ambassador, responsibilities include:
- Regularly share @GraziadioAlumni social media posts
- Include #GraziadioAlumni in your posts
- Engage with other #GraziadioAlumni posts
- Follow the official Graziadio Alumni Channels social media channels
- Stay up to date on information shared from the school. You will receive advance notification of upcoming events and alumni activities from the Alumni Office.
- Share great stories about the positive influence Graziadio has had on you personally and professionally
- Inform the school of any Graziadio alumni in the news
- Refer Graziadio alumni that might be interested in being a social media ambassador
- Adhere to all Pepperdine University and Pepperdine Graziadio Business School policies and procedures
- Optional: Add the @GraziadioAlumni link to your bio OR add your ambassador status in your bio
As a Social Media Ambassador, the following expectations are outlined below:
- Social Media Ambassadors will remain in their role until the school terminates their position, or they notify the school that they no longer want to serve in the role
- Social Media accounts must be public, or you are a connection to a Graziadio Alumni Network, admin
- Attend ambassador meetings led by the Graziadio Alumni Social Media Team once a year
- Being a Social Media Ambassador is an at-will privilege and can be revoked at any time
- If a social media ambassador does not follow guidelines and/or submits posts that are unacceptable to the
- University, they will be requested to remove the post, and their position as a Social Media Ambassador will be terminated
- Graziadio Business School degreed alumnus
- Good standing with the Graziadio Alumni Network (GAN)
- Social media accounts and posts adhere to Pepperdine social media policies, do not infringe copyright guidelines, and do not contain offensive content
- Are active members on social media channel
Approval Process
- Alumni should submit their interest in becoming a Social Media Ambassador by completing this involvement form
- Graziadio Social Media Ambassadors will be selected and notified by the Graziadio Office of Alumni Engagement quarterly