Kurt Motamedi, PhD
Dr. Motamedi is Professor of Strategy and Leadership at Pepperdine University. He received his PhD and MBA from UCLA - Anderson Graduate School of Management in Strategy and Organization Development, and his MSEE in semiconductor and computers from UC-Santa Barbara. Professor Motamedi helps develop and grow companies, works with management on strategic planning and execution, trains and develops high performing management teams and executive talent. He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences. His professional experience extends beyond academe and consultation and includes hands-on CEO and executive positions. He has served as long-term consultant to firms in a broad range of industries in US and abroad: Electronics, semiconductors, computers, software, biotechnology, health care, hospitals, media, advertising, financial services, real estate, forest products, not-for-profits and federal, state and local governments. He founded and manages business firms, and co-founded the doctoral program in Organization Change,
Professor Motamedi has published and presented articles on a variety of business management topics including strategic management, mergers and acquisitions, organizations and transnationals, transorganizations development, network organizations, contextual competence, organization design, creativity and innovation, performance management, top executive transitions, CEO compensation, evaluation, executive leadership, team effectiveness, T-groups, managerial styles and consultation processes in international journals such as Organizational Dynamics, Academy of Management Review, California Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management Inquiry, Organization Development Journal, Journal of Creative Behavior, Zeitschrift Organizations Entwicklung, International Journal and Business and Management, Group and Organization Behavior, Southern Business Review, Graziadio Business Review, Kiplinger and Books: Emerging Trends and Issues in Management, Consultation for Organizational Change, NTL Handbook of Human Relations Training, Proceedings of IFSAM and ACAS, Business Research Yearbook, Planning of Change, Contemporary Organization Development, Emerging Issues in Consulting, Research in Management Consulting.
Dr. Motamedi's education, worldly experience, research, president/executive level teaching and extensive business and consulting background offer innovative multi-faceted approach to strategic management, developing and designing organizations, mentoring executives and building effective strategic teams fit to lead, perform and prosper in our dynamic complex global environment.
University of California, Los Angeles, Anderson Graduate School of Management, Doctor of Philosophy (Honors)
- University of California, Los Angeles, Anderson Graduate School of Management, Master of Business Administration – MBA (Honors)
University of California, Santa Barbara, College of Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering/Semiconductors – MSEE (Honors)
San Jose State University, College of Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering – BSEE
Motamedi, K. (2022) Transnational and Transorganization Systems: Evolution and Implications for Strategic Management. International Journal of Business and Management (in press)
Motamedi, K. (2022) Four Ways To Save Your Sanity (And Build Skills) Post Pandemic. Chief Executive
Motamedi, K. (2022) Four Ways to Achieve CEO Skills and Well Being. Chief Executives (in press)
Motamedi, K. (2021) Zeal and Z-Factor: Will, Adaptability and Copability in Dynamic Complex Environments, International Journal of Business and Management X, 2, 36-47
Motamedi, K. (2021) CEOs: Pay Attention to Retention. Chief Executive
Motamedi, K. (2021) Three Ways CEOs Can Foster Positive Company Culture in Hybrid Work World. Chief Executives
Motamedi, K. (2020) Action Strategy and Action Knowledge. Organization Development Journal 38, 1, 65-73
Motamedi, K. (2021) For Better Retention, Try to Segment Employees. Chief Executives
Motamedi, K. (2020) Office Politics and Misogyny: A Corrosive Combination. Chief Executives
Motamedi, K. (2020) Office Politics and Racism Collide. Chief Executive
Motamedi, K. (2020) Five Ways CEOs Can Model Inclusiveness. Chief Executives
Motamedi, Kurt (2019) Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Navigating Late Transitions of Executive Seasons” Chief Executives
Motamedi, K. (2018) Contextual Competence. International Journal of Business and Management VI. 2, 26-35
Motamedi, K. (2017) Resilience in Dynamic Complex Environments. International Journal of Business and Management V, 2, 29-39
Motamedi, K. (2017) Kurt Lewin's Promise: Implications for Organization Change Consultancy. https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/ambpp.2007.26523109
Motamedi, K. K. (2016). Integrative Consulting: Real Time and Transorganizational. Graziadio Business Review (GBR), 19(2).
Motamedi, Kurt (2014) ICE: Integrated Consulting Evaluation, Organization Development Journal.
Motamedi, Kurt (2012) Transorganizations: Managing in a Complex and Uncertain World. Graziadio Business Review v.15, No. 2.
Greiner, L.; Motamedi, K.; Jamieson, D. (2011) New Consultant Roles and Processes in a 24/7 World. Organization Dynamics.165-173.
Boje, David, Motamedi, Kurt; and Rosile, Grace Ann (2010) Transorganization Network and Storytelling as Material Agency for Tetranormalization. ISEOR Proceedings of the Third International Conference and Doctoral Consortium on OD and Change with Academy of Management (AoM-USA). University Jean-Moulin, Lyon, France. June 14-16, 2010.
Motamedi, Kurt (2010) Kurt Lewin's Promise: Implications for Organization Change Consultancy. Consultation for Organizational Change volume, Information Age Publishing 293-308.
Motamedi, Kurt (2010): Über Branchen, Kulturen und Organisationen hinweg ... Die Stärke Transorganisationaler Beratung. Ein Gespräch mit Dr. Kurt Motamedi, Zeitschrift OrganisationsEntwicklung, 2/2010, 29. Jg., 45-52.
Motamedi, Kurt (2009) Neurotic Styles of Management: Consultants Be Aware! Emerging Trends and Issues in Management Consulting: Consulting as a Janus-Faced Reality, pp. 239–251 Information Age Publishing
Pamela Davidson, Kurt Motamedi, and Tony Raia (2009) Using Evaluation Research to Improve Consulting Practice. Emerging Trends and Issues in Management Consulting: Consulting as a Janus-Faced Reality, pp. 61–74 Information Age Publishing
Motamedi, Kurt (2008). Company on the Couch: Coping with Organizational Dysfunctions. Journal of Management Inquiry, 17(3), 239.
Motamedi, Kurt (2007) Seven Neurotic Styles of Management. Kiplinger Business Resource Center, May 15, 2007
Motamedi, K. K., Davidson, P., Raia, T. (2007). The Role of Evaluation in Management Consulting. 3rd International Conference on Management Consulting, 3, 1-17.
Wasilewski, N., Motamedi, K. K. (2007). Insights for Effective Strategic Planning. Competition Forum, 5, 229-235.
Motamedi, K. K. (2007). Kurt Lewin's Promise and Choiceful Consulting. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2007, 1-7.
Mallinger, M. A., Motamedi, K. K., McCord, L. B., Sommer, S. M., Valadez, R. M. (2006). Graziadio Faculty Discuss Ethics: Are there Rules of Ethical Conduct? Graziadio Business Report, 9(2), www.pepperdine.edu/gbr
Motamedi, K. K. (2006). Seven Neurotic Styles of Management. Graziadio Business Report, 9(4).
Motamedi, K. K., Wasilewski, N. (2006). Transnational transorganization systems: Evolution and implications for competitive strategy. (1st ed., vol. 4, pp. 141-147). Competition Forum.
Motamedi, K., Wasilewski, N. (2006). Trends in Transnational Transorganization Systems. (vol. XV, pp. 17-22). Advances in Global Management Development.
Motamedi, K. With N. Wasilewski (2006) Emerging Trends in Transnational Transorganization Systems. Pages 17-22 in Kaynak and T.D. Harcar (eds.) Advances in Global Management Development, Volume XV. Hummelstown, PA: International Management Development Association.
Motamedi, K. (2006) Transorganizations: Purposeful, Collaborative and Conflicting. In P. Porter (Ed.) Conference Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management: Lisbon, 58-59, July 2006.
Mallinger, M. A., Motamedi, K. K., McCord, L. B., Sommer, S. M., Valadez, R. M. (2006). Graziadio Faculty Discuss Ethics: Are there Rules of Ethical Conduct? Graziadio Business Report, 9(2).
Motamedi, K. K. (2005). Real Time Strategic Actionable Knowledge. Proceedings of Twelfth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management.
Motamedi, K. (2004). Transorganization systems. Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2nd International Conference on Management Consulting. Lausanne, June.
Motamedi, K., Garcia, N. (2004) Transorganization Systems. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Management Consulting, 17-25, Lausanne, France. June 23-25.
Motamedi, K. With N. Wasilewski (2003) Environmental uncertainty: Its relation to changes in environmental scanning information preferences. In S.K. Shah (Ed.). Proceedings of Eastern Academy of Management Tenth Biennial International Conference on Managing in Global Economy: Nations, Regions, and Globalism: Tensions and Opportunities, Porto, 20-24 June 2003.
Motamedi, K. (2002). The impact of environmental complexity on strategic decision-maker preferences for scanning information attributes [interaktyvus]. Global Competitiveness, 2002 [þiûrëta 2006-08-22]. Prieiga per internetà
Motamedi, K. With N. Wasilewski (2002) Importance of Information Sought from Environmental Scanning: The Influence of Environmental Dynamism. In E. Kaynak and FD Sarvan (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Management Development Association Eleventh World Business Congress: The Impact of Globalization on World Business in the New Millennium: Competition, Cooperation, Environment, and Development. 304-312. Antalya, 10-14 July 2002.
Motamedi, K. With F. Massarik (2001) OD Theory, Its Nature and Its Links to Practice: Perspectives and Roads to Action. Proceedings of 2001 OD Network Conference, Vancouver, BC. November 2001. South Orange, N.J.: OD Network. 35-39.
Motamedi, K. & Wasilewski, N. (2000). Transorganization systems and globalization: developing relations among organizations. In Hurst, D. (Ed.) Selected Papers in Organizational Theory, in Desmarteau, R. H. (Editor-in-Chief.). Best Paper Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada and International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Joint International Conference, (Volume 21, No. 22: 168-177). Montreal, 8-11 July 2000.
Motamedi, K. With N. Wasilewski (2000) Transorganization Systems and Globalization: Developing Relations Among Organizations. In R.H. Desmarteau, R. Laliberte and Y. Souli (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Vth World Congress: Taking Stock, Montreal, 8-11 July 2000.
Motamedi, K. With N. Wasilewski, M Jahn, and M. Keller (1999) The Challenges of Globalization: Four Alternative Perspectives. In T. Peridis (Ed.). Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Eighth Biennial International Conference on Managing in a Global Economy: Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century: Transformation and Integration. Prague, 20-24 June 1999.
Motamedi, K. With S. Nero (1999) The T-Group Journey: Learning Through Adapting, Coping and Renewing, Reading Book for Human Relations Training T-Group, NTL Institute, 8th Edition, 1999 pages 259-265.
Motamedi, K. Ethics and Organization Change (1998) (Eds.) Biberman, J. and A. Alkhafaji Yearbook of Business Research Volume V, 1998, pp. 164-168.
Motamedi, K. (1997) Thinking About the Future: Revisiting Lewin." (Ed) Massarik, F. (ed.) Lewin Legacy/Lewin's Potential: Next Steps for Group Process, Consultation and Social Justice. National Training Laboratories (NTL) Institute, Bethel, Maine, pages 255-271.
Motamedi, K. (1984). Transorganization development: developing relations among organizations. In Warrick, D. D. (Ed.) Contemporary Organization Development, (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company): 57-68.
Motamedi, K. (1985) Rev. Ouchi, W. The M Form Society , Academy of Management Review Vol.10, P.153
Motamedi, K. (1982) Extending the Concept of Creativity Journal of Creative Behavior, v16 n2 p75-88
Motamedi, K. (1981). Transorganization development (Trans OD). The National OD Network (ODN) Conference and published in its Proceedings. Seattle: WA.
Motamedi, K.; Lundberg, C. (1979) Toward Extending the Teaching of Organization Behavior Journal of Management Education pp 14-20
Motamedi, K. (1978). The Evolution from Interorganizational Design (IOD) to Transorganizational Development (TOD). Proceedings of the National Academy of Management Meeting, San Francisco: CA, August 9-12.
Motamedi, K. (1977) Toward Explicating Philosophical Orientation in Organizational Behavior. Academy of Management Review, 354-360
Motamedi, K. (1977) Transition at the Top. California Management Review; Winter77, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p67-73, 7p
Motamedi, K. (1977) Adaptability and Copability: A Study of Social Systems, Their Environment, and Survival. Group & Organization Management, Vol. 2, No. 4, 480-490
Motamedi, K. (1977) Rev. Campbell, A. Converse, E., w. Rodgers Quality of American Life: Perceptions, Evaluations and Satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 6, No. 4, 480-490
Motamedi, K. (1975) Leavitt, H., Pinfield, L. Webb. E. Organizations of the Future: Interaction with External Environment Administrative Science Quarterly Vol. 6, No. 4, 317-320
- Beta Gama Sigma (Academic Scholastic Honor Society);
- UCLA Excellence in Teaching and Continued Service Award;
- Academy of Management Distinguished Service Award, Western Academy of Management’s Ascending Scholar Award;
- University of California Regents Award;
- UCLA – Anderson Graduate School of Management Dissertation Award;
- Life Fellow of Applied Behavioral Sciences at UCLA;
- Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, University of Washington, and University of California, Irvine;
- Board Chair and Program Chair of Academy of Management Consulting Division;
- Beta Gamma Sigma Honors Society;
- Life Fellow of Lewin Center, NTL Fellow, Society for Industrial and Organization Psychologists (SIOP), American Psychological Association;
A sample of participations, presentations of academic articles, chaired sessions, served as discussant and reviewer of scholarly contributions:
Motamedi, K. (2022) Translating Research into Consulting and Consulting into Research to Create a Better World. Academy of Management conference Seattle, WA August 6, 2022)
Motamedi, K. (2022) Management Consulting Doctoral Consortium: The Three Ws. Academy of Management conference Seattle, WA August 6, 2022)
Motamedi, K. (2021, August) Action Learning and Management Consulting. Academy of Management" Doctoral Symposium (Hybrid) August 1, 2021 Philadelphia
Motamedi, K. (2020, June) Transorganization Consulting. (Best Paper Award) 9th International conference and doctoral consortium held in Lyon, France, organized by the “ISEOR”
International Research Center in partnership with Magellan, Lyon School of Management, University of Jean Moulin, AOM “Organization Development and Management Consulting Divisions of the Academy of Management (USA), and the ISODC (The International Society for Organizational Development and Change).
Motamedi, K. (2020, August) 50 Years of Management Consulting Division: Taking Stock and Foresights About Scholar Practitioners. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Motamedi, K. (2020, August) Improving Our Doctoral Studies Awareness of Management Consulting. at the Academy of Management (Vancouver, BC" August, 2020) Doctoral Symposium
Motamedi, K. (2020), August) Agility and Project Innovation in Management Consulting Education. Academy of Management Conference.
Motamedi, K. (2019) Consulting and Coaching to Build Engagement and Performance. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, Contemporary business practice
Motamedi, K. (2019) Transorganization Change, Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, Contemporary business practice.
Motamedi, K. (2019) Action Knowledge and Action Research, Academy of Management conference, Boston, MA, Contemporary business practice.
Motamedi, K. (2019) Actionable Knowledge, 9th Business and Management Conference, Prague. Czech Republic, Contemporary business practice.
"Creating Knowledge Relationally", Motamedi, K. K., International Academy of Managment Conference, Annaheim, CA, Contemporary business practice, Articles on disciplinary research or theory. (August 6, 2016).
"Emerging Models of Consulting", Motamedi, K. K., 23nd Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, Jacksonville, FL 32202, USA, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (July 21, 2016).
"Creativity and Social construction of Reality", Motamedi, K. (Presenter & Author), 23rd Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, Boston (Newton), Massachusetts, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (July 25, 2015).
"Improving Effectiveness of Business Education", Motamedi, K. (Coordinator/Organizer), 23rd International Conference on Advances in Management, Boston, Massachusetts, Global Business, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (July 23, 2015).
"Creative Journey", Motamedi, K. (Panelist), 23rd International Conference on Advances in Management, Boston, Massachusetts, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (July 22, 2015).
"Kurt Lewin's Tradition in an Unfolding Emerging World", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), International Academy of Management Meeting, Florida, Value-based leadership, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 12, 2014).
Program Session #: 1010 | Submission: 17206 | Sponsor(s): (ODC, MC, CMS). Scheduled: Monday, Aug 12 2013 1:15PM - 2:45PM at WDW Coronado Springs Resort in Baja
Lessons from Kurt Lewin for a Post-Crisis Future. Lewin's Post -Crisis Relevance
Chair: Julie Wolfram Cox; Monash U.; Discussant: Earl T. Braxton; Edge Associates.
Kurt Lewin's Tradition in an Unfolding Emerging World. Presenter: Kurt Motamedi; Pepperdine U.
More Than an Iceberg: Developing through Professional Relatedness to Kurt Lewin. Presenter: Jean E. Neumann; Tavistock Institute;
Re (Re-) Visiting Rules of Thumb for Changing Organizations in Crisis
Presenter: Bill Cooke; Lancaster U.
"Consulting and Power dynamics", Motamedi, K. K. (Discussant), International Academy of Management Meeting, Florida, USA, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 10, 2013).
"Doctoral Consortium", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter Only), International Academy of Management Meeting, Florida, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 10, 2013).
"Management Consulting in the Rough: Linking Research and Practice to Address Organizational Concerns", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), International Academy of Management Meeting, Florida, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 10, 2013).
"Key Note: Leadership and Strategy", Motamedi, K. K., Strategic Management Institute Annual Meeting, Tehran, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at practitioner seminar or conventions. (November 2012).
Leadership and Strategy are often intertwined. The key note presents attributes of successful strategic leadership.
"Strategy and Discontinuous Change", Motamedi, K. K., First International Conference on Competence-Based Strategic Management, Copenhagen, Denmark, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (November 29, 2012).
"Adaptive Foresight: A New Approach to Governing Sustainable Transorganizational Innovation Processes", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), D. W., Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 5, 2012).
"Balancing Practice Challenges and Academic Standards", Motamedi, K. K., Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 4, 2012).
"Team Leadership", Motamedi, K. K., Executive Programs in E.M. Lyon University, Lyon, France, Corporate Citizenship, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (May 2012).
"Disruptive Change", Motamedi, K. K., 2012 Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research, Venice, Italy, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (March 30, 2012).
"Disruptive Change", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference, Venice, Italy, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (March 30, 2012).
"Strategy in the Age of Turbulence", Motamedi, K. K., 2011 Strategic Management Conference, Tehran, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at practitioner seminar or conventions. (November 2011). Key note speaker on strategy in the age of turbulence
"The relevance of Lewin's contribution in the new age", Motamedi, K. K., Lewin Conference, Maryland, Core Values: Stewardship, Responsibility, Compassion, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (October 2011).
"Transorganization Thinking and Consulting", Motamedi, K. K., 2011 Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 15, 2011).
"ASSESSING PHILOSOPHICAL BASES OF LABORATORY AND T-GROUP INTERVENTIONS", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), Management Makes the World Go Around, Vienna, Austria, Contemporary business practice, Articles on disciplinary research or theory. (December 2010).
"Positioning for Opportunities: Mergers & Acquisitions", Scully, J. J. (Presenter Only), Rehfeld, J. E., Motamedi, K. K., Positioning for Opportunities: Mergers & Acquisitions, Silicon Valley Bank, Global Business, Presentations at practitioner seminar or conventions. (November 6, 2010).
"Systemic Structural Constellations" - A New Form of Consulting Using Body Impressions and Feelings", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter Only), Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 2010).
This workshop aimed to show how the new consulting method "Systemic Structural Constellation" is used as an effective method of solution finding process
"Future OD Consulting Roles in a 24/7 World", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter Only), Jamieson, D. (Presenter Only), Ennsfellner, I. (Presenter Only), Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 2010).
"Transorganization Network and Storytelling", Boje, D. (Presenter & Author), Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), Rosile, G. A. (Presenter & Author), Comparative approaches between research, Lyon, France, Contemporary business practice, Articles on disciplinary research or theory. (June 2010).
"the Third International Conference and Doctoral Consortium on OD and Change", Boje, D. (Presenter & Author), Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), Rosile, G. A. (Presenter & Author), Colloque 2010 Organization Development and Change, Lyon, France (University Jean-Moulin), Contemporary business practice, Articles on disciplinary research or theory. (June 24, 2010).
"Innovative Consulting in a World of Disruptive Strategies", Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), 2011 Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, Contemporary business practice, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 13, 2011).
Challenges in Consulting Relationships, Motamedi, Academy of Management Meeting - 2009, Chicago, IL, Global Business, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (August 2009).
Evaluating Consulting Outcomes, Academy of Management Meeting - 2009, Chicago, IL. (August 2009).
New Emerging Consultant Roles in a 24/7 World, Academy of Management Meeting - 2009, Chicago, IL, (August 2009).
Design and Teaching a Management Consulting Course: Discipline Courses are Not Sufficient, Fourth International Conference of Management Consulting: The Changing Paradigm of Consulting, Vienna, Austria. (June 2009).
New and Changing Roles for Consultants, Fourth International Conference of Management Consulting: The Changing Paradigm of Consulting, Vienna, Austria, (June 2009).
Qualification, Skill and Competence Building, Fourth International Conference of Management Consulting: The Changing Paradigm of Consulting, Vienna, Austria. (June 2009).
Key Note Speaker: Globalization: Western Europe and Southeast Asia, Kurt Lewin International Colloquium, Rutgers, New Jersey. (September 13, 2008).
Kurt Lewin's Promise, Kurt Lewin International Colloquium, Rutgers, New Jersey, Stewardship, Presentations at academic conferences and seminars. (September 12, 2008).
Managing Knowledge and Organization Development, Motamedi, K. K. (Presenter & Author), 2nd Annual Knowledge Management Forum, Malibu, CA, (September 11, 2008).
Neurotic Styles of Management and Consulting, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, (August 14, 2008).
Kurt Lewin: His Approach, His Legacy, Our Questions, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, (August 13, 2008).
Are consultants Truly Professionals? Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, (August 8, 2008).
Intelligent Leader, 1st International Conference on Social Intelligence, Boston, MA. (July 16, 2008).
Leadership: The Neurotic Boss, UCLA Annual Alumni Conference, Anderson School - Westwood, Los Angeles, Core Values: Stewardship, Responsibility, Compassion, (October 13, 2007).
Kurt Lewin's Promise and Choiceful Consulting, Academy of Management Meeting 2007 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, (September 7, 2007).
Research on Industries and Firm Clusters, Academy of Management 2007 , Philadelphia, PA, (August 9, 2007).
Planning to Plan, The Sixteenth Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association: Beyond Borders: New Global Management Development Challenges and Opportunities, Maastricht, Contemporary (July 2007).
Evaluation Competencies for Management Consultants, The Third International Conference on Management Consulting, Copenhagen, Denmark, (June 1, 2007).
Performance and Natural Environment, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, Stewardship, (August 14, 2006).
Transorganizations: Purposeful, Collaborative and Conflicting, Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, Lisbon, Portugal, Global Business. (July 2006).
Emerging Trends in Transnational Transorganization Systems, Fifteenth Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association: Technology, Structure, Environment and Strategy Interfaces in a Changing Global Business, Sarajevo, Global Business, and (June 2006).
Strategic Consulting: Assessing and Fixing Consultant Client Relationships, Academy of Management. New Orleans, Louisiana, (August 4, 2005).
Real Time Strategic Actionable Knowledge, Twelfth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, Washington, D.C., Contemporary business practice, (July 22, 2005).
Confines of Actionable Knowledge in Real Time, The Second International Conference on Management Consulting, Lausanne, Switzerland, Value-based leadership, Presentations to education seminars or conventions. (June 4, 2005).
Emerging Trends in Transnational Transorganization Systems. Fifteenth Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association: Technology, Structure, Environment and Strategy Interfaces in a Changing Global Business, Sarajevo, 18-12 June 2006.
Transorganizations: Purposeful, Collaborative and Conflicting. Paper presented at the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management. Lisbon, 19-22 July 2006.
Performance and the Natural Environment. Academy of Management. Atlanta, 14 August 2006.
Building Your Academic Consulting Practice. The Graziadio School. Pepperdine University, Faculty Development Workshop, 8 February 2005
Time Strategic Actionable Knowledge. Twelfth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management. Washington, D.C., 23-24 July 2005.
The Confines of Actionable Knowledge in Real Time. 2nd International Conference on Management Consulting on The future of Consulting. New Pathways to Success. Lausanne, 23-25 June 2004.
Transorganization Systems. 2nd International Conference on Management Consulting on The future of Consulting. New Pathways to Success. Lausanne, Switzerland. 23-25 June 2004.
Strategic Consulting: Assessing and Fixing Consultant Client Relationship. Academy of Management Meeting. New Orleans, August 2004.
Innovating Operational Strategies in a Vortex. Association for Strategic Planning. Los Angeles, 8 November, 2004.
Environmental Uncertainty: Its Relation to Changes in Environmental Scanning Information Preferences. Eastern Academy of Management Tenth Biennial International Conference on Managing in Global Economy. Nations, Regions, and Globalism: Tensions and Opportunities, Porto, 20-24 June 2003.
Management Consulting Executive Committee Meeting. Academy of Management Meeting. Seattle, 3 August 2003.
Network of Influence: Stakeholders, Collaborators, & Routinized Knowledge Transfer. Academy of Management Meeting. Seattle, 4 August 2003.
Management Consultancy and Future. Academy of Management Meeting. Seattle, 4 August 2003.
Helping Successful Leaders get Even Better. Academy of Management Meeting. Seattle, 4 August 2003.
Developing Leaders. Academy of Management. Seattle, 4 August 2003
Executive Leadership. Kinecta, Inc. Annual Meeting. Manhattan Beach 18 August 2003. (Management Seminar and Lecture.)
Developing the Discipline of Consulting: Challenges, Pedagogy, Research and Reflection, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Denver, 9 August, 2002.
The Impact of Environmental Complexity on Strategic Decision-Maker Preferences for Scanning Information Attributes. Paper presented at the American Society for Competitiveness Thirteenth Annual Conference: Competition in a Turbulent. World, Alexandria, 10-12 October 2002.
Importance of Information Sought from Environmental Scanning: The Influence of Environmental Dynamism. Paper presented at the International Management Development Association Eleventh World Business Congress: The Impact of Globalization on World Business in the New Millennium. Competition, Cooperation, Environment, and Development. Antalya, 10-14 July 2002.
Developing the Discipline of Consulting: Challenges, Pedagogy, Research and Reflection, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Denver, 10 August, 2002.
Designing and Teaching Curricula in Management. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Denver, 10 August 2002.
Developing Effective Leaders: Consulting Lessons from Governments and Others, Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, D.C. August, 2001.
Using Consulting for Scholarly Research, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Denver, 10 August, 2002.
Efficient Networking between Business and Academia through Consulting. Academy of Management Meeting. Denver, 14 August 2002.
Using Judeo-Christian Faith Based Principles in Organizations, The Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2001.
Application of Entry-level Competencies to Organization Development and Change, The Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2001.
Doctoral Consortium for Executive Alternative Programs in OD and Management, The Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2001.
OD Theory, Its Nature and Its Links to Practice: Perspectives and Roads to Action. Paper presented at 2001 OD Network Conference, Vancouver, B.C. November 12, 2001.
State of Management Consulting in 2001 and Future Promises. Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2001.
Transorganization Systems in Global Arena. Paper presented at Western Academy of Management Sixth International Conference on The Past Decade Revisited: Implications for 21st Century, Shizuoka, and 9-12 July 2000.
Transorganization Systems and Globalization: Developing Relations Among Organizations. Paper presented at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada and the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Joint Conference 5th World Congress: Taking Stock, Montreal, 8-11 July 2000. Best Paper Award.
Spirituality, Organization and Consulting in a New Time, Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, August 2000.
Useable and Useful Knowledge. Doctoral Consortium for Executive and Alternative Doctoral Programs. Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, August 2000.
Essentials of Effective Consulting: Critical Concepts and Skills. Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, August 2000.
Advanced and Emerging Consulting Competencies. Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, August 2000.
Learning From the Times: A large Group Dialogue with Past ODC Division Chairs. Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, August 2000.
The New Rules: Consulting in Internet Time. Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, August 2000.
The Challenges of Globalization: Four Alternative Perspectives. Paper presented at Eastern Academy of Management Eighth Biennial International Conference on Managing in a Global Economy: Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century: Transformation and Integration. Prague, 20-24 June 1999.
OB/OT/OD Doctoral Students Consortium Academy of Management Meeting, IL: Chicago, August 5-7, 1999.
Surviving Your Dissertation, Doctoral Students Consortium Academy of Management Meeting, IL: Chicago, August 5-7, 1999.
Educating Scholar-Practitioners Academy of Management Meeting, IL: Chicago August 1999.
Extending Kurt Lewin's Legacy into the Emerging Pluralistic World, Academy of Management Meeting, IL: Chicago August 1999.
New Directions in Consulting, Academy of Management Meeting, IL: Chicago August 1999.
Doctoral Education Trends Academy of Management Meeting, IL: Chicago August 1999.
Organization Development and Change Consortium for Alternative Doctoral Programs, Academy of Management Meeting, IL: Chicago August 1999.
Missing Elements in Organization Development and Change, Academy of Management Meeting, IL: Chicago August 1999.
Challenges of Globalization: Four Alternative Perspectives, Eighth Biennial International Conference on Managing Global Economy: Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century: Transformation and Integration, Prague CZ, June 1999.
Revisiting Globalization: A Managerial Perspective, Conference on Managing Global Economy: Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century: Transformation and Integration, Prague CZ, June 1999.
Introspective Learning, Western Academy of Management. – Redondo Beach, CA, March 1999.
Lewin Legacy, Western Academy of Management. Redondo Beach, CA, March 1999.
Extending Beyond the Cultural Stereotypes: The Role of Family Culture, The Fifth International Western Academy of Management Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 1998.
Ethics and Organizational Change, International Academy of Business Disciplines, San Francisco, CA, 1998
Activism, Ethics and Change, International Academy of Business Disciplines, San Francisco, CA, 1998.
Grounding Theory: Ordinal and Impactful Change, Looking to Cases Around the World," Academy of Management Meeting, San Diego¸ CA, 1998.
Impacts Through Collegial Support, Western Academy of Management _ Conference. Portland, OR, 1998 (accepted).
Performance Appraisal, Western Academy of Management Conference. Portland, OR, 1998.
Symposium: Reflecting on Global Management of Change: Experience and Learning in Four Cultural Settings, The Fifth International Western Academy of Management Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 1998.
Extending Beyond the Cultural Stereotypes: The Role of Family Culture, The Fifth International Western Academy of Management Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 1998.
Ethics and Change, International Academy of Business Disciplines, San Francisco, CA, 1998
Thinking About the Future: Revisiting Lewin, The 50th Anniversary of NTL Institute (The Great Gathering). Bethel, Maine, 1997.
Participatory Strategic Planning. Academy of Management Meeting. Boston, Mass, 1997
Research and Understanding - Reflecting on the Ojai Basic Group Experience," The 50th Anniversary of NTL Institute Event (The Great Gathering). Bethel, Maine, 1977 (with N. A. Anderson, University of Massachusetts and B. Brewer, People Sense).
Organizational and Institutional Effects: Culture, Vision, and Rigidity, Western _ Academy of Management. April 1997 - Squaw Valley, CA.
Making a Difference Through Unexpected Impacts of Academic Encounters, Western Academy of Management. April 1997 - Squaw Valley, CA.
Practical Dilemmas of OD Practitioners: Ethics and OD Practice. Los Angeles OD Network," Antioch University - Los Angeles. 1997 (A full day program on ethics in OD with Professors Ian Mitroff, USC and Susan Nero, Antioch University).
Managing in a Dynamic Environment, Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, Toronto, Canada, 1997
Managing in a Dynamic Environment, Fourth Annual Conference on Advances in Management. Toronto, Canada, 1997.
Competition and Collaboration Among and Within Health Care Organization, Western Academy of Management, Banff, Alberta, 1996.
Rancho La Puerta: Siempre Mejor, The Fourth International WAM Conference. Guadalajara, Mexico. 1996 (with Barbara Hillman).
The O.D. Bottom-Line: Defining Our Values for the Future, National Organization Development network. Orlando, FL October 5, 1996.
Exploring International Management Education Options, Academy of Management Meeting. Vancouver, B.C. August 7, 1995
Healing the Wounds of Academe. Western Academy of Management, "Doctoral Students and Junior Faculty Symposium," San Diego, 1995 (With Nakiye Boyacigiller, Joanne Martin, and Andre Delbecq).
WAM Membership Survey, Presented to the President (Andre Delbecq) and The Executive Board of Western Academy of Management, 1994 and 1995. The report is a broad and thorough survey of all WAM members and suggests major changes in its governance and academic orientation.
Values and Practice, Western Academy of Management, San Jose, CA, 1994