Kevin Groves, PhD
Kevin S. Groves, Ph.D., is professor of Organization Theory and Management at Pepperdine Graziadio Business School, and president of Groves Consulting Group, LLC. Dr. Groves teaches master’s and doctoral graduate courses on organization design and strategic alignment, executive leadership, and talent management across the Graziadio School’s Executive DBA, MBA, MS in Human Resources programs. Prior to his academic career, Dr. Groves was a management consultant in the Strategy and Organization practice at Towers Perrin (now Willis Towers Watson). Supporting organizations across industries, Groves Consulting Group develops evidence-based succession planning, talent management, and leadership development solutions anchored by rigorous research.
An active leadership and succession management scholar, Dr. Groves’ research focuses on executive succession, talent management, and leadership development practices. He conducts national benchmarking surveys, 360-degree leadership assessment studies, intensive case studies, and client-based research projects. His research has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of Management, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management Annals, Group & Organization Management, Organizational Dynamics, and Journal of Business Ethics. Dr. Groves’ recently published book (Winning Strategies: Building a Sustainable Leadership Pipeline through Talent Management & Succession Planning) offers executive teams, boards, consultants, and HR/OD professionals a practical framework and set of succession planning and talent management best practices.
- PhD, Claremont Graduate University, 2002
Major: Organizational Behavior
Doctoral Dissertation: An Examination of Leader Social Intelligence and Follower
Openness to Organizational Change as Key Components of Charismatic Leadership - MA, Claremont Graduate University, 1999
Major: Organizational Behavior
Master's Thesis: Multiple Intelligences and Leadership Performance - BA, Eastern Washington University, 1997
Major: Psychology (Summa Cum Laude)
Minor: Business Administration
Authored Books
- Groves, K. (2017). Winning Strategies: Building a Sustainable Leadership Pipeline through Talent Management and Succession Planning. Bozeman, MT: Second River Healthcare Press.
Refereed Journal Publications and Book Chapters
- LaRocca, M., Marshall, D., & Groves, K. Exploring the motivation to lead in a demanding environment: The role of achievement values, grit, and psychological capital. Accepted for publication at Psychological Reports.
- Gibson, C., Thomason, B., Margolis, J., Groves, K., Gibson, S., & Franczak, J. (2023). Dignity inherent and earned: The experience of dignity at work. Academy of Management Annals, 17 (1): 218-267.
- Groves, K., Feyerherm, A., & Sumpter, D. (2023). Cultural intelligence as a global leadership competency in disruptive contexts. Handbook of Cultural Intelligence Research (Eds. David Thomas & Yuan Liao). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- LaRocca, M., & Groves, K. (2022). Transformational leadership in extreme contexts: Associations with posttraumatic growth and self-efficacy among combat veterans. Armed Forces & Society, 48 (4): 849-871. Paper awarded the Jackson-Hope Prize for Excellence in Published Scholarly Work, Virginia Military Institute.
- Groves, K., & Feyerherm, A. (2022). Developing an executive potential model for the new era of work and organizations. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 43 (6): 978-998.
- Lee, J., Paik, Y., Vance, C., Li, D., & Groves, K. (2022). The evolution of business ethics in China and the United States: Convergence, Divergence, or Crossvergence? Management and Organization Review, First View, pp. 1-28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/mor.2021.68
- Nakashima, S., & Groves, K. (2022). Psychological safety training: winning the minds and hearts of employees. Employee Learning & Development Excellence, 9 (4): 64-66.
- Lacey, M., & Groves, K. (2021). Approaches to developing high potential talent: Intended and unintended consequences (pp. 457-470). The Routledge Companion to Talent Management (Ed. Ibraiz Tarique). New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
- Groves, K. (2020). Testing a moderated mediation model of transformational leadership, values, and organization change. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 27 (1): 35-48.
- Groves, K. (2020). Are you ready to lead Generation Z?: Core competencies for 21st century business leaders. Leadership Excellence (HR.com). 37 (3): 1-7. https://www.hr.com/en/magazines/leadership_excellence_essentials/march_2020_leadership/are-you-ready-to-lead-gen-z_k7esvmpr.html?s=8PqnELoBZlkeT8dr
- Groves, K. (2019). Confronting an inconvenient truth: Developing succession management capabilities for the inevitable loss of executive talent. Organizational Dynamics, 48 (4): 1-12. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2018.07.001).
- Groves, K. (2019). #MeToo movement exposes lack of succession planning. Chief Executive (January 9, 2019). https://chiefexecutive.net/metoo-movement-exposes-succession-planning/
- Groves, K. (2019). Examining the impact of succession management practices on organizational performance: A national study of U.S. hospitals. Health Care Management Review, October-December: 356-365. https://journals.lww.com/hcmrjournal/Abstract/publishahead/Examining_the_impact_of_succession_management.99734.aspx.
- Groves, K. (2018). Three ways Snap Inc. can weather its internal storm. Chief Executive (September 25, 2018). https://chiefexecutive.net/three-ways-snap-inc-weather-storm/
- Groves, K. (2017). The business case for succession management capabilities: Evidence-based strategies for developing talent and sustaining leadership continuity. Graziadio Business Review, Volume 20, Issue 1. Available at http://gbr.pepperdine.edu/2017/04/the-business-case-for-succession-management-capabilities/.
- Vance, C., White, J., Groves, K., Paik, Y., & Guo, L. (2016). Comparing thinking style and ethical decision-making between Chinese and U.S. students: Potential for future clash? Journal of Business Ethics Education, 13: 117-146.
- Groves, K., & Vance, C. (2015). Linear and nonlinear thinking: A multidimensional model and measure. Journal of Creative Behavior, 49 (2): 111-136.
- Groves, K., Feyerherm, A., & Gu, M. (2015). Examining cultural intelligence and cross-cultural negotiation effectiveness. Journal of Management Education, 39 (2): 209-243.
- Groves, K. (2014). Identifying high-potential healthcare leaders: Key findings from a qualitative study of exemplary health systems. Healthcare Workforce Advisor (HealthStream, Inc.), Summer: 10-15.
- Ettlie, J., Groves, K., Vance. C., & Hess, G. (2014). Cognitive style and innovation in organizations. European Journal of Innovation Management, 17 (3): 311-326.
- Groves, K. (2014). Examining leader-follower congruence of social responsibility values in transformational leadership. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 21 (3): 227-243.
- Lacey, M., & Groves, K. (2014). Talent management collides with corporate social responsibility: Creation of inadvertent hypocrisy. Journal of Management Development, 33 (4): 399-409.
- Vance, C., Groves, K., Hess, G., & White, J. (2013). The rational side of EQ: Illuminating emotional intelligence through the lens of linear/non-linear thinking style. International Journal of Social Science Research, 2: 16-25.
- Groves, K. (2013). Talent management success factors: Evidence-based strategies for driving hospital performance outcomes. HR Pulse (American Society for Health Care Human Resources Administration), Summer: 34-36.
- Groves, K., & LaRocca, M. (2012). Does transformational leadership facilitate follower beliefs in corporate social responsibility? A field study of leader personal values and follower outcomes. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 19 (2): 215-229.
- Vance, C., Groves, K., Gale, J., & Hess, G. (2012). Would future entrepreneurs be better served by avoiding university business education? Examining the effect of higher education on business student thinking style. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 15: 127-141.
- Groves, K., & LaRocca, M. (2011). Responsible leadership outcomes via stakeholder CSR values: Testing a values-centered model of transformational leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 98 (1): 37-55.
- Groves, K., & LaRocca, M. (2011). An empirical study of leader ethical values, transformational and transactional leadership, and follower attitudes toward corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 103 (4): 511-528.
- Monson, J., & Groves, K. (2011). Leveraging action learning as a talent management strategy during economic uncertainty. Graziadio Business Review, 14 (3): 1-6.
- Groves, K., & Feyerherm, A. (2011). Leader cultural intelligence in context: Testing the moderating effects of team cultural diversity on leader and team performance. Group & Organization Management, 36 (5): 535-566.
- Groves, K., Vance, C., & Choi, D. (2011). Entrepreneurial cognition: Examining the thinking style differences between entrepreneurs and business managers, accountants, and actors. Journal of Small Business Management, 49 (3): 438-466.
- Groves, K. (2011). Talent management best practices: How exemplary health care organizations create value in a down economy. Health Care Management Review, 36 (3): 227-240.
- Paik, Y., Groves, K., Vance, C., & Li, D. (2011). Linear/nonlinear thinking style and ethical decision-making: U.S. versus Chinese Managers. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, IM: 1-6.
- Groves, K. (2010). Talent management best practices: How exemplary organizations confront the emerging leadership crisis. Graziadio Business Report, 13 (1): 1-6.
- McEnrue, M.P., Groves, K., & Shen, W. (2010). Emotional intelligence training: Evidence regarding its efficacy for developing leaders. Leadership Review, 10 (Winter): 3-26.
- Groves, K., & Vance, C. (2009). Examining thinking style, EQ, and organizational commitment. Journal of Managerial Issues, 21 (3): 344-366.
- McEnrue, M.P., Groves, K., & Shen, W. (2009). Emotional intelligence training: The role of openness to experience, self-efficacy, and receptivity to feedback in enhancing gains achieved. Journal of Management Development, 28 (2): 150-174.
- Vance, C., Zell, D., & Groves, K. (2008). Considering Individual Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style and Innovative Corporate Culture. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 16 (4): 232-248.
- Groves, K., & Paunescu, C. (2008). Examining the antecedents and outcomes of Romanian entrepreneurial orientation. Management & Marketing Journal, 3 (3): 3-18.
- Groves, K., Vance, C., & Choi, D. (2008). An examination of the nonlinear thinking style profile stereotype of successful entrepreneurs. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 16 (2): 133-159.
- Groves, K., McEnrue, M. P., & Shen, W. (2008). Measuring and developing the emotional intelligence of leaders. Journal of Management Development, 27 (2): 225-244.
- Groves, K., Vance, C., & Paik, Y. (2008). Linking linear/nonlinear thinking style balance and managerial ethical decision-making. Journal of Business Ethics, 80 (2): 305-325.
- Groves, K., & Vance, C. (2007). Examining the affective commitment outcomes of managerial balanced thinking and emotional intelligence in high emotional labor contexts. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, MOC: 1-6.
- Vance, C., Groves, K., Paik, Y., & Kindler, H. (2007). Understanding and measuring linear/nonlinear thinking style for enhanced management education and professional practice. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 6 (2): 167-185.
- Groves, K. (2007). Integrating leadership development and succession planning best practices. Journal of Management Development, 26 (3): 239-252.
- Vance, C., Groves, K., & Guo, L. (2006). Mainland Chinese—US entrepreneur comparison of linear/nonlinear thinking style profiles: Implications for national entrepreneurial success. International Journal of Business Research, 6 (3): 26-34.
- Groves, K. (2006). Leader emotional expressivity, visionary leadership, and organizational change. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 27 (7): 565-582.
- Groves, K. (2006). View from the top: CEO perspectives on executive development and succession planning practices in healthcare organizations. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 23 (1): 93-110.
- McEnrue, M.P., & Groves, K. (2006). Choosing among tests of emotional intelligence: What’s the evidence? Human Resource Development Quarterly, 17 (1): 9-42.
- Groves, K. (2005). Linking leader skills, follower attitudes, and contextual variables via an integrated model of charismatic leadership. Journal of Management, 31 (2): 255-277.
- Groves, K. (2005). Gender differences in social and emotional skills and charismatic leadership. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 11 (3): 30-46.
- Vance, C., Groves, K., & Paik, Y. (2004). Measuring and building linear/nonlinear thinking style balance for enhanced performance. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, MOC: F1-F6.
- Groves, K. (2003). The contribution of leader social and emotional skills to leadership effectiveness during strategic organizational change. Leadership Review, 3 (Winter): 75-90.
Refereed Conference Symposia
- Maric, S., Milosevic, I., Bass, E., Uhl-bien, M., Groves, K., Feyerherm, A., Silvera, G., Clark, J., vogus, T., Lord, J., runk, R., Hollingsworth, J., Owen-Smith, J., Kim, K., & Twyman, M. (2020). Future of leadership in healthcare: Enabling complexity dynamics across levels. Accepted symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
- Tompkins, T., Livingstone, L., Groves, K., Ledbetter, B., Kerns, C., Allen, M., Mallinger, M., Lacey, M., Feyerherm, A., & Mangiofico, G. (2013). A leadership salon: Reframing old concepts for a new age. Symposium presentation at the Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Santé Fe, NM.
- Van Dyne, L., Ang, S., Groves, K., Ng, K., Gianasso, G., Fehr, R., Kuo, E., Moon, H., Choi, B., Jung, J., & Kim, Y. (2011). More complex models of cultural intelligence: Moderated and longitudinal relationships. Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Beenen, G., Muse, L., Pichler, S., Groves, K., Lopes, P., Mayes, B., Riggio, R., & Maellaro, R. (2010). Exploring managerial effectiveness through interpersonal skills. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
- Drost, E., Williams, L., McGuire, S., Groves, K., & Prahbu, V. (2010). Types and antecedents of entrepreneurial intent: Evidence from the U.S. Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Kona, HI.
- Ang, S., Van Dyne, L.V., Groves, K., Lee, Y., Masuda, A., Cardona, P., Kim, Y., Rockstuhl, T., Ng, K., & Lievens, F. (2010). Advancing cultural intelligence research: Moderating influences of person and context. Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Cox, L., Groves, K., & Sommer, S. (2009). The psychological state of successful entrepreneurs. Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Midway, Utah.
- Drost, E., Atkinson, D., Romero, P., Groves, K., McGuire, S., Kwong, K., & Prabhu, V. (2009). Variations of entrepreneurial intent across cultures: Emerging evidence from USA, China, Russia, Bulgaria, and Finland. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Armstrong, S., Cols, E., Groves, K., Kozhevniknov, M., Sadler-Smith, E., & Vance, C. (2009). Thinking styles in managerial learning, cognition, and behavior: An integrative overview (Symposium). Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill.
Manuscripts Under Review & Developing Papers
- Mandel, K., & Groves, K. Future Scoping Group Dynamics among Change Leaders: Widen the Lens on Climate and Safety Risks for Organizational Change. Revise and resubmit at Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
- Groves, K. & Vance, C. Avoiding Critical Entrepreneurial Cognitive Errors Through Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance. Review and resubmit at Journal of Small Business Management.
- Martin-Garrido, F., Morales-Fernandez, E., Vance, C., van Bakel, M., & Groves, K. An examination of the relationship between linear/nonlinear thinking style and expatriate adjustment. Paper under review at the Journal of International Business.
- Groves, K., Margolis, J., & Gibson, C. Cultivating the experience of dignity at work: Protective and proactive strategies for leaders and organizations. Paper under review at MIT Sloan Management Review.
- Piecek, E., & Groves, K. Transparent leadership: Cultivating sustainable leader-follower relationships for the new era of work and organizations. Paper under preparation for submission to Organizational Dynamics.
- Groves, K. Developing and validating a model of leadership potential for VUCA environments. Paper under preparation for submission to Journal of Management.
- Lacey, M. & Groves, K. Inclusivity vs. elitism: The challenge of high potential programs for inclusive organizations. Paper under development for journal submission.
- Groves, K. Examining the sustained impact of succession management practices on business performance metrics (2014-2018). Target journal: Human Resource Management Journal.
- Groves, K. Leader cultural intelligence and transformational leadership: Moderating effects of team diversity. Target journal: The Leadership Quarterly.
- Groves, K. Values-centered transformational leadership: Testing the impact of leader values and leadership style on follower outcomes. Target journal: Academy of Management Journal.
- 2024: Teaching Excellence Award, Pepperdine Graziadio Business School, Pepperdine University
- 2022: Jackson-Hope Price for Excellence in Published Scholarly Work, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia
- 2021: Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award, Visiting Professor, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), Innsbruck, Austria
- 2020: George Award, Pepperdine Graziadio Business School, Pepperdine University
- 2015: Editor’s Choice Collection, Group & Organization Management’s designation for the journal’s most noteworthy manuscripts (Leader Cultural Intelligence in Context: Testing the Moderating Effects of Team Cultural Diversity on Leader and Team Performance)
- 2013: Denney Chair Professorship, Graziadio School of Business & Management, Pepperdine University
- 2011: Best Paper Proceedings, International Management (IM) Division, Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, TX
- 2011: Top Rated Papers Award, Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Meeting, Chicago, IL
- 2010: Rothschild Applied Research Fellow Award, Graziadio School of Business and Management, Pepperdine University
- 2010: Best Paper Award Nominee, Western Academy of Management Meeting, Kona, HI
- 2009: Ascendant Scholar Award, Western Academy of Management, Midway, UT
- 2008: Julian Virtue Professorship, Graziadio School of Business & Management, Pepperdine University
- 2008: Outstanding Paper Award, Training & Development Division, Emerald Literati Network
- 2007: Best Paper Proceedings, Managerial and Organizational Cognition (MOC) Division, Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
- 2006: Best Paper Award, Western Academy of Management Meeting, Long Beach, CA
- 2006: Top Twenty Rated Papers Award, Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Meeting, Dallas, TX
- 2006: Outstanding Paper Award, International Symposium on Entrepreneurship Research and Education, Nankai University, Tianjin City, China
- 2004: Best Paper Award, Managerial and Organizational Cognition (MOC) Division, Academy of Management Meeting, New Orleans, LA
- 2003: Best Paper Award, Western Academy of Management Meeting, Palm Springs, CA
- 2002: Arthur H. Brayfield Dissertation Award, Claremont Graduate University
- 2002: Honorable Mention, Kenneth E. Clark Research Award, Center for Creative Leadership
Refereed Conference Proceedings and Presentations
- LaRocca, M., Marshall, D., & Groves, K. (2024). Authentic Leadership, Team Cohesion, and Follower Extra Effort at a Senior Military College. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association (Division 19 – Military Psychology), New York, NY.
- Groves, K., Harc, M., & Zehrer, A. (2024). Examining Leader Development Experiences Across the Lifespan: A Process Model of Next Generation Succession Intention for Family Business Leaders. International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Lisbon, Portugal.
- Groves, K. & Vance, C. (2024). Avoiding Critical Entrepreneurial Cognitive Errors Through Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Martin-Garrido, F., Morales-Fernandez, E., Vance, C., van Bakel, M., & Groves, K. & Vance, C. (2024). Optimizing Expatriate Adjustment Through Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance and Versatility. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Groves, K., Zehrer, A., Nickel, V., & Harc, M. (2022). Career transitions for next generation family business leaders: Developmental experiences across the lifespan 9th Annual Responsible Management Education Research Conference, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Harc, M., Zehrer, A., Nickel, V., & Groves, K. (2022). Succession intention in the context of family business. 9th Annual Responsible Management Education Research Conference, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
- LaRocca, M., Marshall, D., & Groves, K. (2022). Do grit and psychological capital facilitate motivation to lead in a military environment?. Paper under review for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association (Division 19 – Military Psychology).
- Groves, K. (2021) Developing and validating a model of leadership potential for VUCA environments. Paper presented at the virtual 2021 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- LaRocca, M., & Groves, K. (2021) Transformational Leadership in Extreme Contexts: Associations with Posttraumatic Growth and Self-Efficacy Among Combat Veterans. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association (Division 19 – Military Psychology).
- Groves, K. (2020). Developing and validating an executive potential assessment tool for succession planning. Paper presented at the virtual 2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
- Groves, K., & Feyerherm, A. (2020). Identifying healthcare’s future leaders: Development of a leadership potential model for healthcare organizations. Paper presented at the virtual 2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
- Groves, K. (2018). Succession management capabilities: Requisite planning for the inevitable transition of executive talent. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Groves, K. (2017). Developing and validating a succession management assessment for healthcare organizations. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Groves, K. (2017). Succession management at Sutter Health: A case study of leadership development and succession planning best practices. Paper presented at the Western Academy of Management, Palm Springs, CA.
- Groves, K. (2017). Developing leaders through strategy execution: Kaiser Permanente’s Strategic Leadership Program. Paper presented at the Western Academy of Management, Palm Springs, CA.
- Groves, K. (2016). Assimilating new leaders during unprecedented change: Executive onboarding at Cleveland Clinic. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA.
- Groves, K. (2015). Testing a moderated mediation model of transformational leadership, values, and organization change. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
- Groves, K. (2015). Talent Management and Succession Planning Best Practices: Assessing Impact on Financial, Workforce, and Value-based Purchasing Metrics. American Hospital Association Health Forum, Washington, D.C.
- Vance, C., Groves, K., Gale, J., & Hess, G. (2014). The impact of university business education on the thinking styles of prospective entrepreneurs: A longitudinal study. Academy of Business Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Vance, C., Groves, K., & Paik, Y., White, J. (2014). Future Clash? Comparing Chinese and US Student Thinking Style and Ethical Decision-Making. Western Academy of Management Annual Conference, Napa, CA.
- Groves, K. (2014). Emerging evidence of the strategic impact and ROI of talent management practices. Society for Human Resource Management (Virginia Chapter), Hot Springs, VA.
- Keynote Address, September 29, 2021
Executive Succession Capabilities: Assessing & Developing Talent for Critical Roles
National Veterinary Associates, Plano, TX - Webinar, September 21st, 2021
Developing Emotional Intelligence Competencies for Leading a Diverse Workforce
California Association of Realtors, Los Angeles - Keynote Address, February 15, 2020
Assessing & Developing Strategic Leadership Competencies
International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI), Los Angeles, CA - Webinar, June 2nd, 2020
Leading Strategic Planning During Unprecedented Uncertainty
Pepperdine Graziadio Business School, Los Angeles - Keynote Address, February 5, 2019
Preparing Your Organization for the Inevitable Transition of Healthcare Executive Talent
Healthcare Executives of Southern California, Upland, CA - Invited Research Presentation, February 20, 2019
Leadership Academy for Mid-Level Professionals
CASE Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA - Keynote Address, March 22, 2019
Succession Planning Principles & Practices: A Guide for Developing Your Firm’s Succession Management Capabilities (SMCs)
Western Legal Leadership Council Spring Roundtable 2019, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, June 29, 2019
Developing & Validating an Executive Potential Assessment Tool for Succession Planning
Pepperdine Graziadio Business School DBA & CAR Conference, Malibu, CA - Keynote Address, October 27, 2018
Succession Planning Capabilities & Practices
Paul Mitchell Schools Annual Summit, Newport Beach, CA - Invited Research Presentation, July 19th, 2018
Succession Management Capabilities: Identifying and Developing Willamette Valley Medical Center’s Future Leadership Talent
Willamette Valley Medical Center, McMinnville, OR - Keynote Address, June 22nd, 2018
Succession Planning Excellence: Preparing Your Organization for the Inevitable Loss of Executive Talent
University of California, Irvine, CA - Panel Presentation on The State of Healthcare (LA Business Journal), May 15th, 2018
Talent Management and Succession Planning Practices in Healthcare
City Club Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, May 10th, 2018
Succession Management Capabilities: Identifying and Developing McLaren’s Future Executive Talent
McLaren Health Care, Grand Blanc, MI - Invited Research Presentation, December 12th, 2017
Best Practice Strategies for Succession Management: Critical Capabilities for a VUCA Environment
Zurick Davis, Woburn, MA - Invited Research Presentation, November 7th, 2017
Succession Planning & Talent Management: Critical Capabilities for a VUCA Environment
Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA - Invited Research Presentation, April 21st, 2017
Talent Management & Succession Planning: Best Practices for our VUCA Environment
Rotary Club of Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, CA - Invited Research Presentation, February 17th, 2017
Leading Change in a VUCA Environment: Talent Management Lessons from the Healthcare Industry
Anthem/Blue Cross, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, April 25th, 2017
Emotional Intelligence for Leaders: Assessing & Developing Your EQ Competencies
Roteract Young Professionals, Long Beach, CA - Invited Research Presentation, October 14th, 2017
Graziadio Day: Succession Planning & Talent Management Practices
Graziadio School of Business and Management, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, May 25th, 2017
Emotional Intelligence: How EQ Competencies Drive Personal & Organizational Success
Laserfiche, Long Beach, CA - Invited Research Presentation, March 21st, 2017
Leading Change in a VUCA Environment: Talent Management Lessons from the Healthcare Industry
Beachbody, Santa Monica, CA - Invited Research Presentation, February 5th, 2016
Succession Planning & Talent Management: Strategies for Developing the Next Generation of Banking Executives
Carpenter Advisory Services, Newport Beach, CA - Invited Research Presentation, August 18th, 2015
Assessing the Health of Your Current Talent Management Ecosystem
PeopleFluent Webinar, Waltham, MA - Invited Research Presentation, September 10th, 2015
Why Talent Management Matters for Healthcare: Sharpening the Business Case and Engaging Executives
PeopleFluent Webinar, Waltham, MA - Invited Research Presentation, September 24th, 2015
Onboarding Healthcare Leaders that will Drive Diversity—and Success
PeopleFluent Webinar, Waltham, MA - Invited Research Presentation, April 24th, 2015
Establishing the ROI of Talent Management Practices in Healthcare Organizations
Talent Management Symposium
Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, September 25th, 2014
Emerging Evidence of the Strategic Impact and ROI of Talent Management Practices
Cigna’s Talent 2025, Bloomfield, CT - Invited Research Presentation, February 20th, 2014
Six Talent Management Best Practices to Improve Patient Satisfaction and Workforce Outcomes
Halogen’s Healthcare Learning Series, Toronto, CA - Invited Research Presentation, February 9th, 2014
Talent Development and Succession Management Practices in Healthcare Organizations
Healthcare Human Resources Management Association of California, Palm Springs, CA - Invited Research Presentation, November 12th, 2013
Impact of Talent Management Practices on Hospital Performance Metrics
American Hospital Association’s Health Forum, Chicago, IL - Invited Research Presentation, April 19th, 2013
Talent Management Characteristics of Healthcare Organizations
Talent Management Symposium
Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, May 19th, 2012
The Business Case for Talent Management: Examining Performance Outcomes of High Potential Leader Identification and Development Practices
International Society for Performance Improvement
American Honda Motor Company, Inc., Torrance, CA - Invited Consulting Practice Symposium; Consulting Club (Full-time MBA Program), September
13th, 2011
Organization Development Consulting: Roles and Challenges
Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA - Invited Research Presentation; GSBM Academic Forum, February 8th, 2011
Responsible Leadership Outcomes via Stakeholder CSR Values: Testing a Values-Centered Model of Transformational Leadership
Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, December 20th, 2010
Action Learning Project Best Practices
The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA - Human Resource/Organization Development Colloquium, December 3rd, 2010
Establishing the Business Case for Talent Management: Developing High Potential Leaders through Action Learning Projects
American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), Torrance, CA - Invited Symposium Presentation, August 31st, 2010
Talent Management Best Practices: Identifying and Developing High Potential Leaders
Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA - Invited Practitioner Conference Presentation, November 6th, 2009
Emotional Intelligence Testing: Employee Selection, Advancement, & Development Applications
Personnel Testing Council of Southern California, Anaheim, CA - Human Resource/Organization Development Colloquium, October 16th, 2009
Talent Management Best Practices: Identifying and Developing High Potential Leaders
American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), Torrance, CA - Invited Leadership Research & Practice Presentation, July 20th, 2009
Transformational Leadership: Leading with Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, & Innovative Thinking Style
The Coca-Cola Company, Irvine, CA - Invited Research Presentation; GSBM Academic Forum, March 10th, 2009
Values-centered Leaders: Examining Leader Ethics, Trust, and Values Congruence as Key Components of Transformational Leadership
Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, February, 2007
Leveraging Emotional Intelligence for Enhanced Leadership Performance
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA - Invited Research Presentation, January, 2007
Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Styles and Leadership Performance
University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA - Invited Research Presentation, October, 2006
Managerial Thinking Styles and Entrepreneurial Behavior
Economics & Business Society, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA - Invited Research Presentation, December, 2005
Examining the Effects of Leader Emotional Intelligence and Charisma on Organizational Change and Employee Creativity
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
- 2022: Fulbright U.S. Scholar (2022), Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), Innsbruck, Austria
- 2021: Visiting Professor Appointment (2021), EM Strasbourg Business School, Strasbourg, France
- 2020: Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, Grant Application for 2021/22
- 2018: Funds for Excellence, Graziadio Business School, Pepperdine University
- 2017: Funds for Excellence, Graziadio Business School, Pepperdine University
- 2014: Denney Chair Professorship (2014-2015), Graziadio School of Business & Management, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles
- 2013: Funds for Excellence, Graziadio School of Business & Management, Pepperdine University
- 2012: Funds for Excellence, Graziadio School of Business & Management, Pepperdine University
- 2012: Provost’s Grant, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles
- 2010: Funds for Excellence, Graziadio School of Business & Management, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles
- 2008: Julian Virtue Professorship (2008-2010), Graziadio School of Business & Management, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles
- 2006: PepsiCo Foundation Grant, PepsiCo Leadership Center, California State University, Los Angeles
- 2006: CSULA Assessment Project Grant, Assessment Project Grants Program, California State University, Los Angeles, CA
- 2002: Student Commencement Speaker, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
- 2001: John Randolph Haynes Dissertation Grant, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
- 1999: Sigma Xi Honor Society, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
- 1997: Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA
- 1997: Mary Shields Wilson Award Recipient, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA
Areas of Expertise
- Succession Planning
- Leadership Assessment and Development
- CEO Succession
- Executive Talent Management