Joetta Forsyth, PhD
Dr. Forsyth attended University of Chicago, where she completed the coursework for her bachelor's and master's degrees within four years. Her master's thesis was completed while working at Lexecon Inc., where she conducted economic research used by expert witnesses in court cases and regulatory hearings. Projects included providing economic research used in shareholder litigation, antitrust hearings and court cases, breach of contract cases, and price-fixing cases among others. Dr. Forsyth received a PhD from a joint program with the Harvard Business School and Economics Department in 1995 with concentrations in Finance and Industrial Organization. She has been a professor at University of Michigan Business School and USC's Marshall School of business. After a brief stint as the president of an internet startup, she joined the faculty at Pepperdine's Graziadio Business School in 2002.
Her research interests include theory and empirical work in corporate finance and product pricing. Topics of interest are: how product pricing affects the risk of the firm, the relationship between misreporting of mortgage loan application income and bank behavior, the relationship between bank employee compensation and risky lending practices, the relationship between CEO compensation and stock misvaluation, corporate governance, and the incentive effects of high leverage.
PhD, Harvard Business School & Department of Economics, Business Economics, 1995.
First year honors, Harvard MBA program.
Thesis: "Leverage and Restructuring: Theory and Application to Corporate Control in the 1980s" -
MA, University of Chicago, BA/MA Program in Economics, 1984.
Masters Thesis: "A Theoretical & Empirical Analysis of Dependence in Stock Returns" -
BA, University of Chicago, BA/MA Program in Economics, 1983.
- Real options
- Interest rate swaps
- Hedging
- The workings of financial markets and institutions
- Mergers
- Takeovers
- LBOs
- Leveraged recapitalizations
- Corporate oversight
- Introductory finance
Fully Employed MBA
Advanced Financial Management
Money and Capital Markets
Financial Management of the Firm
Various business simulations
Full-Time MBA
Corporate Control Topics in Finance
Corporate Finance.
Bachelor of Science in Management
Managerial Finance