Jennifer Franczak, PhD
Dr. Jennifer Franczak, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Organization Theory and Management at Pepperdine University. Jennifer received her Ph.D. in management from Southern Illinois University. Her research interests include organization theory and institutions, multi-level analysis, organizational culture, and building equitable hybrid workplaces. Jennifer’s work has been published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Annals, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Organization Behavior, Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Managerial Psychology, MIT Sloan Review, Organizational Dynamics, and the Journal of Business Research.
PhD, Southern Illinois U-Carbondale, 2013
Business Administration-Organization Studies -
MBA, Bradley University, 2009
Management -
MS, Bradley University, 2006
Business Administration-Management and Psychology
Referred Publications
Franczak, J., Pidduck, R., Lanivich, S., Tang, J. (2023) Immersed in Coleman’s Bathtub: Multilevel Dynamics Driving New Venture Survival in Emerging Markets, Management Decision, 61(7), 1857-1887.
McCartney, J., Franczak, J., Gonzalez, K., Hall, A., Hochwarter, W., Jordan, S., Wickham, W., Khan, A., Babalola, M. (2023) Supervisor off-work boundary infringements: Perspective-taking as a resource for after-hours intrusions, Work and Stress, DOI: 10.1080/02678373.2023.2176945
Franczak, J., Lanivich S., Adomako, S. (2023) Filling institutional voids: Combinative effects of institutional shortcomings and gender on the alertness – opportunity recognition relationship. Journal of Business Research, 155, 113444. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113444
Kanitz, R., Gonzalez, K., Berger, S., Reinwald, M., Huettermann, H., Franczak, J. (2023) Am I the only one? The consequences of championing asymmetry on group- and individual-level outcomes, Journal of Organization Behavior, https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2683
Gibson, C. B., Thomason, B., Margolis, J., Groves, K., Gibson, S., & Franczak, J. (2022). Dignity Inherent and Earned: The Experience of Dignity at Work. Academy of Management Annals [Accepted, Forthcoming] https://doi.org/10.5465/annals.2021.0059
Franczak, J., Gyensare, M. A., Lanivich, S. E., Adomako, S., Chu, I. (2022). Founder polychronicity, entrepreneurial orientation, and new venture performance. [Accepted conference presentation]. Southern Management Association, Annual Meeting Little Rock, Arkansas.
Franczak, J., & Margolis, J. (2022). Women and great places to work: gender diversity in leadership and how to get there. Organizational Dynamics, 51(4), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2022.100913
Franczak, J., Weinzimmer, L. (2022) How SMEs leverage adaptability, risk-taking, and action into positive performance— a moderated mediation model. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 32(4). https://doi.org/10.53703/001c.40318
Franczak, J., & Shanahan, D (2022) Shifting Foci of Ethical Concerns: A New Generation Enters the Corporate World. Ethics and Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1080/10508422.2022.2124160
Thomason, B. & Franczak, J. (2022). 3 tensions leaders need to manage in the hybrid
Harvard Business Review (digital).
Hochwarter, W., Jordan, S., Fontes-Comber, A., De La Haye, D., Khan, A., Babalola, M., Franczak, J. (2022). Losing the benefits of work passion? The implications of low ego-resilience for passionate workers. Career Development International, 27(5), 526-546. https://doi.org/10.1108/CDI-05-2022-0132
Odom, C., Franczak, J., McAllister, C. (2022). Equity in the hybrid office. MIT Sloan Management Review
(digital). https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/equity-in-the-hybrid-office/
Hochwarter, W., Jordan, S., Kiewitz, C., Liborius, P., Lampaki, A., Franczak, J., Deng, Y., Babalola, M. T., & Khan, A. K. (2022). Losing compassion for patients? the implications of covid-19 on compassion fatigue and event-related post-traumatic stress disorder in nurses. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(3), 206–223. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMP-01-2021-0037
Kapoutsis, I., Jordan, S., Hochwarter, W., Franczak, J., Li, Y., Babalola, M., & Khan, A. (2022). Sometimes enough is enough: Nurses' nonlinear levels of passion and the influence of politics. Human Relations https://doi.org/10.1177/00187267221088535
Franczak, J., Mote, J. (2018). Operationalizing organizational routines for science and technology management: an exploratory study. International Journal of Technology Policy and Management: 18(3). https://doi.org/10.1504/ijtpm.2018.093853
Hall, A., Franczak, J., Herrera, D., & Hochwarter, W. (2016). Driving away the bad
guys: the
interactive effects of politics perceptions and work drive across two studies. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies; 24(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/1548051816657982
Weinzimmer, L., Franczak, J., Michel, E. (2013). Strategic orientation and SME performance:
conceptual, operational and relational issues. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 24(2).
Drover, W., Franczak, J., Beltramini, R., (2012) A 30 year historical examination
of ethical concerns
regarding business ethics: who’s concerned? Journal of Business Ethics, (111) 431-438.
Weinzimmer, L., Michel, E., & Franczak, J. (2011). Creativity and firm-level performance:
mediating effects of action orientation Journal of Managerial Issues, 23(1): 62-82.
Weinzimmer, L., Franczak, J., & Michel, E. (2008). Culture-performance Research: Challenges and future directions. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 8(4): 152-162.
Conference Presentations and Proceedings
Franczak, J., Pidduck, R., Lanivich, S., Tang, J., (2022, June). Immersed in Coleman’s bathtub: Multilevel dynamics of institutional support for entrepreneurship in emerging economies. [Conference presentation]. Asia Academy of Management, Zhuang, China.
Kanitz, R., Gonzalez, K., Berger, S., Reinwald, M., Huettermann, H., Franczak, J. (2022, August) Am I the only one? The consequences of championing asymmetry on group- and individual-level outcomes [Conference presentation]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Seattle, Washington.
Franczak, J., & Shanahan, D. (2022, August). Shifting to generation ‘we’: How gen Z’s foci of ethical concerns differ from previous generations. [Conference presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Seattle, Washington.
Franczak, J., & Shanahan, D. (2022, August). Shifting to generation ‘we’: How gen Z’s foci of ethical concerns differ from previous generations. [Conference proceedings]. Academy of Management Annual Proceedings Seattle, Washington.
Gonzalez, K., Franczak, J., Hall, A., & McCartney, J. (2021, Aug.) Turning poison
medicine: Leveraging technology to stimulate diversity and inclusion. In J. Klein,
I. Pavez, K. Gonzalez, & B. Do (Chairs) with C. Oswick (Discussant). Organizing for social change and innovation: challenges and opportunities for organizations. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM - ODC),
● Selected as a Showcase Symposium
Amis, J. M., Barros, S. A., Do, B., Franczak, J., Gonzalez, K., Hall, A., & Pavez,
I. (2021). Organizing
for social change and innovation: Challenges and opportunities of organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings 2021(1), 10929. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.
Franczak, J., & Weinzimmer, L. (2020). Making the case for adaptability culture and firm performance: A
moderated mediation model. [Conference presentation]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.12332abstract
McCartney, J., Jordan, S., Franczak, J., Hochwarter, W., Hall, A. (2020). The role
of perspective taking on supervisor off-work privacy violations: A three study-replication.
[Conference Proceedings]. Academy of Management Proceedings, (2020). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.91
• Best Session paper award; Career Divisions best overall paper award nominee
McCartney, J., Jordan, S., Franczak, J., Hochwarter, W., Hall, A. (2020, August).
The role of perspective taking on supervisor off-work privacy violations: A three
study-replication. [Conference presentation]. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
Hall, A., McCartney, J., & Franczak, J. (2019). Expanding Accountability in the Workplace. [Symposium director]. Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Hall, A., McCartney, J., & Franczak, J. (2019). An initial accounting of the accountability environment. Academy of Management Proceedings, [Conference proceedings], Boston, MA.
Wikhamn, W., Franczak, J., Hall, A. (2017, August). Employee legal claiming: The role of
personality and organizational justice. [Conference presentation]. Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Herrera, D., Franczak, J., Hochwarter, W. (2014, November). The moderating role of work drive
on politics perceptions-work outcome relationships [Conference presentation]. Southern Management Association, Savannah, GA.
Franczak, J. & Robin, J. (2013). Longitudinal examination of organizational variables that
mitigate or exacerbate collective trust during downsizing. [Conference presentation]. Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA.
Weinzimmer, L., Franczak, J., Michel, E. (2012, October). Strategic orientation and SME
performance: Conceptual, operational and relational issues. [Conference presentation]. Southern Management Association, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Weinzimmer, L., Robin, J., Michel, E., Franczak, J. (2011, November). Strategic orientation,
market orientation, and firm performance: Measurement and validity. [Conference presentation]. Southern Management Association, Savannah, GA.
Franczak, J. (2011, February). Network perspective of organizational culture: Relationships
between Simmelian dyads and culture formation. [Abstract presentation]. International Conference for Social Network Analysis (SUNBELT),
Clearwater, FL.
Weinzimmer, L., Michel, E., Franczak, J. (2009, November). The mediating effects of action
orientation on the creativity- performance relationship. [Conference presentation]
Alliances, Innovation & Creativity Track at the Southern Management Association, Asheville,
Franczak, J., Weinzimmer, L., Michel, E. (2009, February). An empirical examination of
strategic orientation and SME performance. [Conference presentation] International
Conference for Social Network Analysis (SUNBELT), Small Business Institute.
Weinzimmer, L., Franczak, J., Michel, E., (2009, March). Strategic orientation versus market orientation: Conceptual and operational differences. [Conference presentation] Southwest Academy of Management meetings, Oklahoma City,
Weinzimmer, L., Wheeler, A., Franczak, J., & Michel, E. (2008, October). Action orientation as
a mediator in the culture-performance relationship. [Conference presentation] Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, St. Pete
Beach, FL.
Weinzimmer, L., Franczak, J., & Michel, E. (2008, October). Culture-performance research:
Challenges and future directions. [Conference presentation] International Academy of Business and Economics, Las Vegas,
Weinzimmer, L., Franczak, J., & Michel, E. (2008, March). Inconsistencies in organizational culture performance research: Toward a model of content validity [Conference presentation]. Southwest Academy of Management annual meeting, March 2008, Houston, TX.
Weinzimmer, L., Wheeler, A., & Franczak, J. (2007, November). Preliminary development of a
macro measure of organizational culture: toward a synthesis of culture-performance
research. [Conference presentation]. Southern Academy of Management meetings, November 2007,
Nashville, TN.
Weinzimmer, L., Wheeler, A., Franczak, J. (2006, October). Organizational culture: building bridges across approaches, outcomes, and levels of
analysis [Symposium]. OB/OTOD Track at the Southern Academy of Management meetings, Clearwater,